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Crystal Castles Custom Maps

CC-ArcaneTemple : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-BerthildasCastle : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-Destory : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-DoomsDome : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-ElementalAir : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-Peak : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-ShatteredLight : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE

CC-Tombstones : Crystal Castles Custom Map - ZIPFILE


Crystal Castles Ver 1.10 Unreal One - PUBLIC RELEASE

March 24, 2005.

DOWNLOAD THE LATEST PUBLIC BUILD HERE: Crystal Castles Release version 1.10 Unreal One - ZIPFILE

NOTE: No umod available at the moment.

Included in the zipfile is the second public release for Crystal Castles - a total conversion mod for Unreal One.

The current version was compiled to run with Version 225 official patch for Unreal One but seems to work fine running on the 224-226 patches also.

Our previous public build version 1.00 for Unreal One was released much earlier (September 2003). The current build is no longer compatible with prior versions so you need to upgrade. Maps are compatible so no need to redownload those!!


We will be actively supporting the Unreal One community in all of our future development.



Files Included in zip and correct install path:


Unreal/System/CrystalCastlesVer1_1.txt - Help File

Unreal/System/CC_BugList.txt - Help File - lists known bugs

Unreal/System/CC_VersionHistory.txt - Help File - lists version changes


Unreal/System/ - System File - allows Crystal Server settings to be adjusted under advanced settings

Unreal/System/Crystal.ini - System File - contains server Crystal Castles Game configuration settings


Unreal/System/Crystal.u - System File - Crystal Castles Game Code

Unreal/System/CCWeapons.u - System File - Crystal Castles Weapons

Unreal/System/CCItems.u - System File - Crystal Castles Items

Unreal/System/CCGems.u - System File - Crystal Castles Gems

Unreal/System/CCMisc.u - System File - Crystal Castles Miscellaneous Objects/Effects

Unreal/System/CCSpecials.u - System File - Crystal Castles Special Effects

Unreal/System/LoadBias.u - System File - Non Crystal Castles Server Tool (see NOTE below)


Unreal/Textures/CCMisc_rc.utx - Texture File - Special FX Textures


Open up your Unreal.ini file located in the Unreal\System directory.

Find the ServerPackages lines.


After them add:










Save the file.

Crystal Castles is now installed and can be run automatically when Unreal is restarted.

NOTE: the CCSpecials Package references an external package LoadBias.u that just needs to be present in your system directory for things to run smoothly. LoadBias is an external server tool interface written by BOZO that eventually will be used to connect between various gametypes and LagTracker.u - Lag Tracker is another program that is still a work in progress. It will be used to dynamically track and adjusts for lag on the server and clients. Currently it is in its first incarnation - very BETA but I do plan on updating it more and releasing it to the public someday.... It is external to the core CrystalCastles code and can work with any gametype thus the seperate interface packaging. I have included LoadBias.u - basically just a shell interface that really doesn't even work correctly (yet) but will satisfy the core code enough to allow things to run...I will be posting updates for LagTracker once I get it running to my satisfaction.


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