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+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
   +-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
      +-- UMenu.UMenuStatusBar

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UWindow.UWindowWindow
DE_Change, DE_Click, DE_Created, DE_DoubleClick, DE_Enter, DE_EnterPressed, DE_Exit, DE_HelpChanged, DE_LMouseDown, DE_MClick, DE_MouseEnter, DE_MouseLeave, DE_MouseMove, DE_RClick, DE_WheelDownPressed, DE_WheelUpPressed
Inherited Contants from UWindow.UWindowBase
F_Bold, F_Large, F_LargeBold, F_Normal

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UWindow.UWindowWindow
ActiveWindow, bAcceptsFocus, bAcceptsHotKeys, bAlwaysBehind, bAlwaysOnTop, bHandleStoreage, bIgnoreLDoubleClick, bIgnoreMDoubleClick, bIgnoreRDoubleClick, bLeaveOnscreen, bMMouseDown, bMouseDown, bNoClip, bRMouseDown, bTransient, bUWindowActive, bWindowVisible, ClickTime, ClickX, ClickY, ClippingRegion, Cursor, FirstChildWindow, LastChildWindow, LookAndFeel, MClickTime, MClickX, MClickY, ModalWindow, NextSiblingWindow, OwnerWindow, ParentWindow, PrevSiblingWindow, RClickTime, RClickX, RClickY, Root, WinHeight, WinLeft, WinTop, WinWidth

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from UWindow.UWindowWindow
Inherited Enumerations from UWindow.UWindowBase
FrameHitTest, MenuSound, MessageBoxButtons, MessageBoxResult, PropertyCondition, TextAlign

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from UWindow.UWindowWindow
Inherited Structures from UWindow.UWindowBase
HTMLStyle, Region, TexRegion

Functions Summary
function Close (optional bool bByParent))
function Created ()))
function Paint (Canvas C, float X, float Y))
function SetHelp (string NewHelp))
Inherited Functions from UWindow.UWindowWindow
Activated, ActivateWindow, AfterCreate, AfterPaint, BeforeCreate, BeforePaint, BeginPlay, BringToFront, CancelAcceptsFocus, CheckKeyFocusWindow, CheckMousePassThrough, Click, ClipText, ClipTextWidth, Close, Created, CreateWindow, Deactivated, DoTick, DoubleClick, DrawClippedActor, DrawClippedTexture, DrawHorizTiledPieces, DrawMiscBevel, DrawStretchedTexture, DrawStretchedTextureSegment, DrawUpBevel, DrawVertTiledPieces, EscClose, FindChildWindow, FindWindowUnder, FocusOtherWindow, FocusWindow, GetDesiredDimensions, GetEntryLevel, GetLevel, GetLookAndFeelTexture, GetMouseXY, GetParent, GetPlayerOwner, GlobalToWindow, HasActiveWindow, HideChildWindow, HideWindow, HotKeyDown, HotKeyUp, IsActive, KeyDown, KeyFocusEnter, KeyFocusExit, KeyType, KeyUp, LMouseDown, LMouseUp, MClick, MDoubleClick, MessageBox, MessageBoxDone, MessageClients, MMouseDown, MMouseUp, MouseEnter, MouseIsOver, MouseLeave, MouseMove, NotifyAfterLevelChange, NotifyBeforeLevelChange, NotifyQuitUnreal, NotifyWindowRemoved, OverrideMessage, Paint, PaintClients, ParseAmpersand, ProcessMenuKey, PropagateKey, RClick, RDoubleClick, RemoveAmpersand, ReplaceText, Resized, ResolutionChanged, RMouseDown, RMouseUp, SaveConfigs, SendToBack, SetAcceptsFocus, SetAcceptsHotKeys, SetCursor, SetMouseWindow, SetParent, SetSize, ShowChildWindow, ShowModal, ShowWindow, StripCRLF, TextSize, Tick, Tile, ToolTip, WaitModal, WindowEvent, WindowHidden, WindowIsVisible, WindowShown, WindowToGlobal, WrapClipText
Inherited Functions from UWindow.UWindowBase
BuildObjectWithProperties, GetRegion, InStrAfter, NewRegion, NewTexRegion

Variables Detail

ContextHelp Source code

var string ContextHelp;

DefaultHelp Source code

var localized string DefaultHelp;

DefaultIntroHelp Source code

var localized string DefaultIntroHelp;

Functions Detail

Close Source code

function Close ( optional bool bByParent) )

Created Source code

function Created ( ) )

Paint Source code

function Paint ( Canvas C, float X, float Y) )

SetHelp Source code

function SetHelp ( string NewHelp) )


				DefaultHelp="Press ESC to return to the game"
				DefaultIntroHelp="Use the Game menu to start a new game."

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