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UE1:Light (RTNP)

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RTNP Object >> Actor >> Light


Direct subclasses:
ChargeLight, DistanceLightning, FlashLightBeam, GLauncherLight, OverHeatLight, QueenTeleportLight, SightLight, Spotlight, TorchFlame, TriggerLightRad, WeaponLight, Engine.TriggerLight, UnrealShare.TriggerLight
This class in other games:
U1, UT, U2, U2XMP, UE2Runtime, UT2003, UT2004, UDK, UT3

The light class.

Default values[edit]

Property Value
bHidden True
bMovable False
bNoDelete True
bStatic True
CollisionHeight 24.0
CollisionRadius 24.0
LightBrightness 64
LightCone 128
LightPeriod 32
LightRadius 64
LightSaturation 255
LightType LT_Steady
Texture Texture'Engine.S_Light'
VolumeBrightness 64