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+-- UWindow.UWindowBase
   +-- UWindow.UWindowWindow
      +-- UWindow.UWindowFramedWindow
         +-- UBrowser.UBrowserLibPageWindow

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from UWindow.UWindowWindow
DE_Change, DE_Click, DE_Created, DE_DoubleClick, DE_Enter, DE_EnterPressed, DE_Exit, DE_HelpChanged, DE_LMouseDown, DE_MClick, DE_MouseEnter, DE_MouseLeave, DE_MouseMove, DE_RClick, DE_WheelDownPressed, DE_WheelUpPressed

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from UWindow.UWindowFramedWindow
bBLSizing, bBRSizing, bBSizing, bLSizing, bMoving, bRSizing, bSizable, bStatusBar, bTLSizing, bTRSizing, bTSizing, ClientArea, ClientClass, CloseBox, MinWinHeight, MinWinWidth, MoveX, MoveY, StatusBarText, WindowTitle
Inherited Variables from UWindow.UWindowWindow
ActiveWindow, bAcceptsFocus, bAcceptsHotKeys, bAlwaysBehind, bAlwaysOnTop, bHandleStoreage, bIgnoreLDoubleClick, bIgnoreMDoubleClick, bIgnoreRDoubleClick, bLeaveOnscreen, bMMouseDown, bMouseDown, bNoClip, bRMouseDown, bTransient, bUWindowActive, bWindowVisible, ClickTime, ClickX, ClickY, ClippingRegion, Cursor, FirstChildWindow, LastChildWindow, LookAndFeel, MClickTime, MClickX, MClickY, ModalWindow, NextSiblingWindow, OwnerWindow, ParentWindow, PrevSiblingWindow, RClickTime, RClickX, RClickY, Root, WinHeight, WinLeft, WinTop, WinWidth

Enumerations Summary
Inherited Enumerations from UWindow.UWindowWindow

Structures Summary
Inherited Structures from UWindow.UWindowWindow

Functions Summary
function Created ()))
function SetDLLInfo (string DLLName, string DLLURL, bool bMismatch ))
Inherited Functions from UWindow.UWindowFramedWindow
BeforePaint, Created, GetLookAndFeelTexture, IsActive, LMouseDown, MouseMove, Paint, Resized, ShowWindow, ToolTip, WindowEvent, WindowHidden
Inherited Functions from UWindow.UWindowWindow
Activated, ActivateWindow, AfterCreate, AfterPaint, BeforeCreate, BeforePaint, BeginPlay, BringToFront, CancelAcceptsFocus, CheckKeyFocusWindow, CheckMousePassThrough, Click, ClipText, ClipTextWidth, Close, Created, CreateWindow, Deactivated, DoTick, DoubleClick, DrawClippedActor, DrawClippedTexture, DrawHorizTiledPieces, DrawMiscBevel, DrawStretchedTexture, DrawStretchedTextureSegment, DrawUpBevel, DrawVertTiledPieces, EscClose, FindChildWindow, FindWindowUnder, FocusOtherWindow, FocusWindow, GetDesiredDimensions, GetEntryLevel, GetLevel, GetLookAndFeelTexture, GetMouseXY, GetParent, GetPlayerOwner, GlobalToWindow, HasActiveWindow, HideChildWindow, HideWindow, HotKeyDown, HotKeyUp, IsActive, KeyDown, KeyFocusEnter, KeyFocusExit, KeyType, KeyUp, LMouseDown, LMouseUp, MClick, MDoubleClick, MessageBox, MessageBoxDone, MessageClients, MMouseDown, MMouseUp, MouseEnter, MouseIsOver, MouseLeave, MouseMove, NotifyAfterLevelChange, NotifyBeforeLevelChange, NotifyQuitUnreal, NotifyWindowRemoved, OverrideMessage, Paint, PaintClients, ParseAmpersand, ProcessMenuKey, PropagateKey, RClick, RDoubleClick, RemoveAmpersand, ReplaceText, Resized, ResolutionChanged, RMouseDown, RMouseUp, SaveConfigs, SendToBack, SetAcceptsFocus, SetAcceptsHotKeys, SetCursor, SetMouseWindow, SetParent, SetSize, ShowChildWindow, ShowModal, ShowWindow, StripCRLF, TextSize, Tick, Tile, ToolTip, WaitModal, WindowEvent, WindowHidden, WindowIsVisible, WindowShown, WindowToGlobal, WrapClipText

Variables Detail

ClientUInfo Source code

var UBrowserLibPageClientWin ClientUInfo;

DLLTitleStr Source code

var localized string DLLTitleStr;

DLLVerTitleStr Source code

var localized string DLLVerTitleStr;

InfoText[2] Source code

var localized string InfoText[2];

Link Source code

var UBrowserLibHTTPLink Link;

Functions Detail

Created Source code

function Created ( ) )

SetDLLInfo Source code

final function SetDLLInfo ( string DLLName, string DLLURL, bool bMismatch ) )


				DLLTitleStr="Can't connect: Missing Dynamic Link Libary '%s'."
				DLLVerTitleStr="Can't connect: Dynamic Link Libary version mismatched '%s'."
				InfoText(0)="To connect this server you will need additional C++ libary '%s',"
				InfoText(1)="for more info view the external info from below (hosted by %s):"

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Creation time: zo 11-11-2012 21:14:13.740 - Created with UnCodeX