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abstract native

+-- Engine.Actor

Direct Known Subclasses:

Brush, DamageType, Decoration, Effects, HUD, Info, Inventory, Keypoint, Ladders, Light, Menu, NavigationPoint, PathNodeIterator, Pawn, Projectile, Triggers

Constants Summary
Inherited Contants from Core.Object
MaxInt, Pi, RF_NotForClient, RF_NotForEdit, RF_NotForServer, RF_Public, RF_Transactional, RF_Transient

Variables Summary
Inherited Variables from Core.Object
Class, Name, ObjectFlags, ObjectInternal[6], Outer

Enumerations Summary
DODGE_None, DODGE_Left, DODGE_Right, DODGE_Forward, DODGE_Back, DODGE_Active, DODGE_Done
DT_None, DT_Sprite, DT_Mesh, DT_Brush, DT_RopeSprite, DT_VerticalSprite, DT_Terraform, DT_SpriteAnimOnce,
IST_None, IST_Press, IST_Hold, IST_Release, IST_Axis,
IK_None, IK_LeftMouse, IK_RightMouse, IK_Cancel, IK_MiddleMouse, IK_Unknown05, IK_Unknown06, IK_Unknown07, IK_Backspace, IK_Tab, IK_Unknown0A, IK_Unknown0B, IK_Unknown0C, IK_Enter, IK_Unknown0E, IK_Unknown0F, IK_Shift, IK_Ctrl, IK_Alt, IK_Pause, IK_CapsLock, IK_Unknown15, IK_Unknown16, IK_Unknown17, IK_Unknown18, IK_Unknown19, IK_Unknown1A, IK_Escape, IK_Unknown1C, IK_Unknown1D, IK_Unknown1E, IK_Unknown1F, IK_Space, IK_PageUp, IK_PageDown, IK_End, IK_Home, IK_Left, IK_Up, IK_Right, IK_Down, IK_Select, IK_Print, IK_Execute, IK_PrintScrn, IK_Insert, IK_Delete, IK_Help, IK_0, IK_1, IK_2, IK_3, IK_4, IK_5, IK_6, IK_7, IK_8, IK_9, IK_Unknown3A, IK_Unknown3B, IK_Unknown3C, IK_Unknown3D, IK_Unknown3E, IK_Unknown3F, IK_Unknown40, IK_A, IK_B, IK_C, IK_D, IK_E, IK_F, IK_G, IK_H, IK_I, IK_J, IK_K, IK_L, IK_M, IK_N, IK_O, IK_P, IK_Q, IK_R, IK_S, IK_T, IK_U, IK_V, IK_W, IK_X, IK_Y, IK_Z, IK_Unknown5B, IK_Unknown5C, IK_Unknown5D, IK_Unknown5E, IK_Unknown5F, IK_NumPad0, IK_NumPad1, IK_NumPad2, IK_NumPad3, IK_NumPad4, IK_NumPad5, IK_NumPad6, IK_NumPad7, IK_NumPad8, IK_NumPad9, IK_GreyStar, IK_GreyPlus, IK_Separator, IK_GreyMinus, IK_NumPadPeriod, IK_GreySlash, IK_F1, IK_F2, IK_F3, IK_F4, IK_F5, IK_F6, IK_F7, IK_F8, IK_F9, IK_F10, IK_F11, IK_F12, IK_F13, IK_F14, IK_F15, IK_F16, IK_F17, IK_F18, IK_F19, IK_F20, IK_F21, IK_F22, IK_F23, IK_F24, IK_Unknown88, IK_Unknown89, IK_Unknown8A, IK_Unknown8B, IK_Unknown8C, IK_Unknown8D, IK_Unknown8E, IK_Unknown8F, IK_NumLock, IK_ScrollLock, IK_Unknown92, IK_Unknown93, IK_Unknown94, IK_Unknown95, IK_Unknown96, IK_Unknown97, IK_Unknown98, IK_Unknown99, IK_Unknown9A, IK_Unknown9B, IK_Unknown9C, IK_Unknown9D, IK_Unknown9E, IK_Unknown9F, IK_LShift, IK_RShift, IK_LControl, IK_RControl, IK_UnknownA4, IK_UnknownA5, IK_UnknownA6, IK_UnknownA7, IK_UnknownA8, IK_UnknownA9, IK_UnknownAA, IK_UnknownAB, IK_UnknownAC, IK_UnknownAD, IK_UnknownAE, IK_UnknownAF, IK_UnknownB0, IK_UnknownB1, IK_UnknownB2, IK_UnknownB3, IK_UnknownB4, IK_UnknownB5, IK_UnknownB6, IK_UnknownB7, IK_UnknownB8, IK_UnknownB9, IK_Semicolon, IK_Equals, IK_Comma, IK_Minus, IK_Period, IK_Slash, IK_Tilde, IK_UnknownC1, IK_UnknownC2, IK_UnknownC3, IK_UnknownC4, IK_UnknownC5, IK_UnknownC6, IK_UnknownC7, IK_Joy1, IK_Joy2, IK_Joy3, IK_Joy4, IK_Joy5, IK_Joy6, IK_Joy7, IK_Joy8, IK_Joy9, IK_Joy10, IK_Joy11, IK_Joy12, IK_Joy13, IK_Joy14, IK_Joy15, IK_Joy16, IK_UnknownD8, IK_UnknownD9, IK_UnknownDA, IK_LeftBracket, IK_Backslash, IK_RightBracket, IK_SingleQuote, IK_UnknownDF, IK_JoyX, IK_JoyY, IK_JoyZ, IK_JoyR, IK_MouseX, IK_MouseY, IK_MouseZ, IK_MouseW, IK_JoyU, IK_JoyV, IK_UnknownEA, IK_UnknownEB, IK_MouseWheelUp, IK_MouseWheelDown, IK_Unknown10E, UK_Unknown10F, IK_JoyPovUp, IK_JoyPovDown, IK_JoyPovLeft, IK_JoyPovRight, IK_UnknownF4, IK_UnknownF5, IK_Attn, IK_CrSel, IK_ExSel, IK_ErEof, IK_Play, IK_Zoom, IK_NoName, IK_PA1, IK_OEMClear
LE_None, LE_TorchWaver, LE_FireWaver, LE_WateryShimmer, LE_Searchlight, LE_SlowWave, LE_FastWave, LE_CloudCast, LE_StaticSpot, LE_Shock, LE_Disco, LE_Warp, LE_Spotlight, LE_NonIncidence, LE_Shell, LE_OmniBumpMap, LE_Interference, LE_Cylinder, LE_Rotor, LE_Unused
LT_None, LT_Steady, LT_Pulse, LT_Blink, LT_Flicker, LT_Strobe, LT_BackdropLight, LT_SubtlePulse, LT_TexturePaletteOnce, LT_TexturePaletteLoop
MTRAN_None, MTRAN_Instant, MTRAN_Segue, MTRAN_Fade, MTRAN_FastFade, MTRAN_SlowFade,
ROLE_None, ROLE_DumbProxy, ROLE_SimulatedProxy, ROLE_AutonomousProxy, ROLE_Authority,
PHYS_None, PHYS_Walking, PHYS_Falling, PHYS_Swimming, PHYS_Flying, PHYS_Rotating, PHYS_Projectile, PHYS_Rolling, PHYS_Interpolating, PHYS_MovingBrush, PHYS_Spider, PHYS_Trailer
STY_None, STY_Normal, STY_Masked, STY_Translucent, STY_Modulated,
SLOT_None, SLOT_Misc, SLOT_Pain, SLOT_Interact, SLOT_Ambient, SLOT_Talk, SLOT_Interface,
TRAVEL_Absolute, TRAVEL_Partial, TRAVEL_Relative,
Inherited Enumerations from Core.Object

Structures Summary
Zone, iLeaf, ZoneNumber
Inherited Structures from Core.Object
BoundingBox, BoundingVolume, Color, Coords, Guid, Plane, Rotator, Scale, Vector

Functions Summary
function AllActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional name MatchTag)
event AnimEnd ()
event Attach (Actor Other)
function AutonomousPhysics (float DeltaSeconds)
event BaseChange ()
function BasedActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
function BecomeViewTarget ()
event BeginEvent ()
event BeginPlay ()
event BroadcastMessage (coerce string Msg, optional bool bBeep, optional name Type)
event Bump (Actor Other)
function ChildActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
functionstring ConsoleCommand (string Command)
event DemoPlaySound (sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot Slot, optional float Volume, optional bool bNoOverride, optional float Radius, optional float Pitch)
functionbool Destroy ()
event Destroyed ()
event Detach (Actor Other)
event EncroachedBy (actor Other)
eventbool EncroachingOn (actor Other)
event EndedRotation ()
event EndEvent ()
function Error (coerce string S)
event Expired ()
event Falling ()
event FellOutOfWorld ()
function FinishAnim ()
function FinishInterpolation ()
event GainedChild (Actor Other)
functionname GetAnimGroup (name Sequence)
functionString GetHumanName ()
functionString GetItemName (string FullName)
functionstring GetMapName (string NameEnding, string MapName, int Dir)
functionstring GetNextInt (string ClassName, int Num)
function GetNextIntDesc (string ClassName, int Num, out string Entry, out string Description)
function GetNextSkin (string Prefix, string CurrentSkin, int Dir, out string SkinName, out string SkinDesc)
functionstring GetURLMap ()
functionbool HasAnim (name Sequence)
event HitWall (vector HitNormal, actor HitWall)
function HurtRadius (float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, name DamageName, float Momentum, vector HitLocation)
event InterpolateEnd (actor Other)
functionbool IsAnimating ()
event KillCredit (Actor Other)
event KilledBy (pawn EventInstigator)
event Landed (vector HitNormal)
function LoopAnim (name Sequence, optional float Rate, optional float TweenTime, optional float MinRate)
event LostChild (Actor Other)
function MakeNoise (float Loudness)
functionbool Move (vector Delta)
functionbool MoveSmooth (vector Delta)
function PlayAnim (name Sequence, optional float Rate, optional float TweenTime)
functionbool PlayerCanSeeMe ()
function PlaySound (sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot Slot, optional float Volume, optional bool bNoOverride, optional float Radius, optional float Pitch)
event PostBeginPlay ()
event PostTeleport (Teleporter OutTeleporter)
event PreBeginPlay ()
eventbool PreTeleport (Teleporter InTeleporter)
function RadiusActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc)
event RenderOverlays (canvas Canvas)
event RenderTexture (ScriptedTexture Tex)
function SetBase (actor NewBase)
function SetCollision (optional bool NewColActors, optional bool NewBlockActors, optional bool NewBlockPlayers)
functionbool SetCollisionSize (float NewRadius, float NewHeight)
function SetDefaultDisplayProperties ()
function SetDisplayProperties (ERenderStyle NewStyle, texture NewTexture, bool bLighting, bool bEnviroMap)
event SetInitialState ()
functionbool SetLocation (vector NewLocation)
function SetOwner (actor NewOwner)
function SetPhysics (EPhysics newPhysics)
functionbool SetRotation (rotator NewRotation)
function SetTimer (float NewTimerRate, bool bLoop)
function Sleep (float Seconds)
functionactor Spawn (class SpawnClass, optional actor SpawnOwner, optional name SpawnTag, optional vector SpawnLocation, optional rotator SpawnRotation)
event Spawned ()
eventActor SpecialHandling (Pawn Other)
event TakeDamage (int Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, name DamageType)
event Tick (float DeltaTime)
event Timer ()
event Touch (Actor Other)
function TouchingActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor)
functionActor Trace (out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional bool bTraceActors, optional vector Extent)
function TraceActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, out vector HitLoc, out vector HitNorm, vector End, optional vector Start, optional vector Extent)
event TravelPostAccept ()
event TravelPreAccept ()
event Trigger (Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)
function TweenAnim (name Sequence, float Time)
event UnTouch (Actor Other)
event UnTrigger (Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator)
function VisibleActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc)
function VisibleCollidingActors (class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden)
functionString WriteDeathMessage (PlayerReplicationInfo Killer, PlayerReplicationInfo Other, optional name damagetype)
event ZoneChange (ZoneInfo NewZone)
Inherited Functions from Core.Object
!, !=, $, %, &, &&, *, **, *=, +, ++, +=, -, --, -=, / , /=, <, <<, <=, ==, >, >=, >>, >>>, @, Abs, Asc, Atan, BeginState, Caps, Chr, Clamp, ClassIsChildOf, Cos, Cross, Disable, Dot, DynamicLoadObject, Enable, EndState, Exp, FClamp, FMax, FMin, FRand, GetAxes, GetEnum, GetPropertyText, GetStateName, GetUnAxes, GotoState, InStr, Invert, IsA, IsInState, Left, Len, Lerp, Localize, Log, Loge, Max, Mid, Min, MirrorVectorByNormal, Normal, Normalize, OrthoRotation, Rand, RandRange, ResetConfig, Right, RotRand, SaveConfig, SetPropertyText, Sin, Smerp, Sqrt, Square, StaticSaveConfig, Tan, VRand, VSize, Warn, ^, ^^, |, ||, ~, ~=

Variables Detail

Acceleration Source code

var vector Acceleration;

AnimLast Source code

var float AnimLast;

AnimMinRate Source code

var float AnimMinRate;

bAlwaysTick Source code

var Const bool bAlwaysTick;
Update even when players-only.

bAnimByOwner Source code

var bool bAnimByOwner;
Animation dictated by owner.

bAnimFinished Source code

var bool bAnimFinished;

bAnimLoop Source code

var bool bAnimLoop;

bAnimNotify Source code

var bool bAnimNotify;

Base Source code

var const Actor Base;
Actor we're standing on.

bAssimilated Source code

var transient const bool bAssimilated;

bCarriedItem Source code

var bool bCarriedItem;

bDeleteMe Source code

var const bool bDeleteMe;
About to be deleted.

bDemoRecording Source code

var const bool bDemoRecording;
True we are currently demo recording.

bDynamicLight Source code

var bool bDynamicLight;
This light is dynamic.

bEdLocked Source code

var bool bEdLocked;

bEdSnap Source code

var transient bool bEdSnap;
Should snap to grid in UnrealEd.

bForcePhysicsUpdate Source code

var bool bForcePhysicsUpdate;

bHighlighted Source code

var const bool bHighlighted;

bHurtEntry Source code

var bool bHurtEntry;
Keep HurtRadius from being reentrant,

bInterpolating Source code

var bool bInterpolating;
Performing interpolating.

bIsMover Source code

var Const bool bIsMover;

bIsPawn Source code

var const bool bIsPawn;

bJustTeleported Source code

var const bool bJustTeleported;
Used by engine physics - not valid for scripts.

bLightChanged Source code

var transient bool bLightChanged;
Recalculate this light's lighting now.

bMemorized Source code

var const bool bMemorized;

bNetFeel Source code

var const bool bNetFeel;

bNetHear Source code

var const bool bNetHear;

bNetInitial Source code

var const bool bNetInitial;
Initial network update.

bNetOwner Source code

var const bool bNetOwner;
Player owns this actor.

bNetRelevant Source code

var const bool bNetRelevant;
Actor is currently relevant. Only valid server side, only when replicating variables.

bNetSee Source code

var const bool bNetSee;

bReplicateInstigator Source code

var bool bReplicateInstigator;
Replicate instigator to client (used by bNetTemporary projectiles).

Brush Source code

var const export model Brush;
Brush if DrawType=DT_Brush.

bSelected Source code

var const bool bSelected;
Selected in UnrealEd.

bSimulatedPawn Source code

var const bool bSimulatedPawn;

bTempEditor Source code

var transient const bool bTempEditor;

bTicked Source code

var transient const bool bTicked;
Actor has been updated.

bTimerLoop Source code

var bool bTimerLoop;
Timer loops (else is one-shot).

bTrailerSameRotation Source code

var bool bTrailerSameRotation;
If PHYS_Trailer and true, have same rotation as owner.

CollisionTag Source code

var const transient int CollisionTag;

ColLocation Source code

var const vector ColLocation;
Actor's old location one move ago. Only for debugging.

Deleted Source code

var const actor Deleted;
Next actor in just-deleted chain.

DodgeDir Source code

var EDodgeDir DodgeDir;

ExtraTag Source code

var const transient int ExtraTag;

Instigator Source code

var Pawn Instigator;
Pawn responsible for damage caused by this actor.

Inventory Source code

var Inventory Inventory;
Inventory chain.

LatentActor Source code

var const actor LatentActor;

LatentByte Source code

var const byte LatentByte;

LatentFloat Source code

var const float LatentFloat;
Internal latent function use.

LatentInt Source code

var const int LatentInt;

Level Source code

var const LevelInfo Level;
Level this actor is on.

LightingTag Source code

var const transient int LightingTag;

MiscNumber Source code

var const byte MiscNumber;

NetTag Source code

var const transient int NetTag;

OldAnimRate Source code

var float OldAnimRate;

OldLocation Source code

var const vector OldLocation;

OtherTag Source code

var const transient int OtherTag;

Owner Source code

var const Actor Owner;
Owner actor.

PhysAlpha Source code

var float PhysAlpha;

PhysRate Source code

var float PhysRate;

PrePivot Source code

var vector PrePivot;
Offset from box center for drawing.

Region Source code

var const PointRegion Region;
Region this actor is in.

RenderInterface Source code

var transient RenderIterator RenderInterface;

Role Source code

var ENetRole Role;

SimAnim Source code

var plane SimAnim;
Only replicated if bReplicateAnimations is true

SpecialTag Source code

var const transient int SpecialTag;

StandingCount Source code

var const byte StandingCount;

Target Source code

var Actor Target;

TimerCounter Source code

var const float TimerCounter;
Counts up until it reaches TimerRate.

TimerRate Source code

var float TimerRate;
Timer event, 0=no timer.

Touching[4] Source code

var const actor Touching[4];

TweenRate Source code

var float TweenRate;

XLevel Source code

var const Level XLevel;
Level object.


bAlwaysRelevant Source code

var(Advanced) bool bAlwaysRelevant;
Always relevant for network.

bCanTeleport Source code

var(Advanced) bool bCanTeleport;
This actor can be teleported. This property must be True for Teleporters to notice the actor.

bCollideWhenPlacing Source code

var(Advanced) bool bCollideWhenPlacing;
The actor will collide with world geometry when placed.

bDirectional Source code

var(Advanced) bool bDirectional;
Whether the editor should display an arrow to show the actor's current rotation. This has no effect in the game.

bEdShouldSnap Source code

var(Advanced) bool bEdShouldSnap;
Snap to grid in the editor.

bForceStasis Source code

var(Advanced) bool bForceStasis;

bGameRelevant Source code

var(Advanced) bool bGameRelevant;
Mutators will not receive CheckReplacement and AlwaysKeep calls for the actor if this property is True.

bHidden Source code

var(Advanced) bool bHidden;
Specifies, whether the actor is invisible in the game. This property has no effect in the editor.

bHiddenEd Source code

var(Advanced) bool bHiddenEd;
The actor is hidden in the editor. This has no effect in the game.

bHighDetail Source code

var(Advanced) bool bHighDetail;
The actor only shows up in high or super high detail mode.

bIsItemGoal Source code

var(Advanced) bool bIsItemGoal;

bIsKillGoal Source code

var(Advanced) bool bIsKillGoal;

bIsSecretGoal Source code

var(Advanced) bool bIsSecretGoal;

bMovable Source code

var(Advanced) bool bMovable;
Actor can be moved.

bNetOptional Source code

var(Advanced) const bool bNetOptional;

bNetTemporary Source code

var(Advanced) const bool bNetTemporary;
Tear-off simulation in network play.

bNoDelete Source code

var(Advanced) const bool bNoDelete;
Specifies, that the actor can't be spawned or destroyed during the game.

bOnlyOwnerSee Source code

var(Advanced) bool bOnlyOwnerSee;
Only owner can see this actor.

bOwnerNoSee Source code

var(Advanced) bool bOwnerNoSee;
Everything but the owner can see this actor.

bStasis Source code

var(Advanced) bool bStasis;
In standalone (i.e. single player, e.g. Instant Action) games this actor should be turned off if it's not in a recently rendered zone. It will only be turned off when its Physics mode is PHYS_None or PHYS_Rotating.

bStatic Source code

var(Advanced) const bool bStatic;
Does not move or change over time. Don't let L.D.s change this - screws up net play.

bTravel Source code

var(Advanced) bool bTravel;
Actor is capable of travelling among servers.

LifeSpan Source code

var(Advanced) float LifeSpan;
Specifies how long the actor will exist. This value is constantly decreased and the actor will be destroyed when it reaches 0. In this case the actor's Expired method is executed. An initial LifeSpan of 0 or explicitely setting the LifeSpan to 0 from UnrealScript disables the actor's "destruction timer". Setting it to a value greater 0 from UnrealScript enables it and the Actor will be destroyed after that time unless LifeSpan is set to 0 again before it expired.


bBlockActors Source code

var(Collision) bool bBlockActors;
Blocks other nonplayer actors.

bBlockPlayers Source code

var(Collision) bool bBlockPlayers;
OBSOLETE - no longer used

bCollideActors Source code

var(Collision) const bool bCollideActors;
Collides with other actors.

bCollideWorld Source code

var(Collision) bool bCollideWorld;
Collides with the world.

bProjTarget Source code

var(Collision) bool bProjTarget;
Projectiles should potentially target this actor.

CollisionHeight Source code

var(Collision) const float CollisionHeight;
Half-height cyllinder.

CollisionRadius Source code

var(Collision) const float CollisionRadius;
Radius of collision cyllinder.


AmbientGlow Source code

var(Display) byte AmbientGlow;
Ambient brightness, or 255=pulsing.

AnimFrame Source code

var(Display) float AnimFrame;

AnimRate Source code

var(Display) float AnimRate;

AnimSequence Source code

var(Display) name AnimSequence;

bMeshCurvy Source code

var(Display) bool bMeshCurvy;

bMeshEnviroMap Source code

var(Display) bool bMeshEnviroMap;

bNoSmooth Source code

var(Display) bool bNoSmooth;

bParticles Source code

var(Display) bool bParticles;

bRandomFrame Source code

var(Display) bool bRandomFrame;

bShadowCast Source code

var(Display) bool bShadowCast;
Casts static shadows.

bUnlit Source code

var(Display) bool bUnlit;
Lights don't affect actor.

DrawScale Source code

var(Display) float DrawScale;
Scaling factor, 1.0=normal size.

DrawType Source code

var(Display) EDrawType DrawType;

Fatness Source code

var(Display) byte Fatness;

Mesh Source code

var(Display) mesh Mesh;
Mesh if DrawType=DT_Mesh.

MultiSkins[8] Source code

var(Display) texture MultiSkins[8];

RenderIteratorClass Source code

var(Display) class<RenderIterator> RenderIteratorClass;

ScaleGlow Source code

var(Display) float ScaleGlow;

Skin Source code

var(Display) texture Skin;

Sprite Source code

var(Display) texture Sprite;

Style Source code

var(Display) ERenderStyle Style;
Style for rendering sprites, meshes.

Texture Source code

var(Display) texture Texture;
Sprite texture. If DrawType=DT_Sprite

VisibilityHeight Source code

var(Display) float VisibilityHeight;

VisibilityRadius Source code

var(Display) float VisibilityRadius;


Event Source code

var(Events) name Event;
The event this actor causes.

Tag Source code

var(Events) name Tag;
Actor's tag name.


bDifficulty0 Source code

var(Filter) bool bDifficulty0;

bDifficulty1 Source code

var(Filter) bool bDifficulty1;

bDifficulty2 Source code

var(Filter) bool bDifficulty2;

bDifficulty3 Source code

var(Filter) bool bDifficulty3;

bNet Source code

var(Filter) bool bNet;

bNetSpecial Source code

var(Filter) bool bNetSpecial;

bSinglePlayer Source code

var(Filter) bool bSinglePlayer;

OddsOfAppearing Source code

var(Filter) float OddsOfAppearing;


LightBrightness Source code

var(LightColor) byte LightBrightness;

LightHue Source code

var(LightColor) byte LightHue;

LightSaturation Source code

var(LightColor) byte LightSaturation;


bActorShadows Source code

var(Lighting) bool bActorShadows;
Light casts actor shadows.

bCorona Source code

var(Lighting) bool bCorona;
Light uses Skin as a corona.

bLensFlare Source code

var(Lighting) bool bLensFlare;

bSpecialLit Source code

var(Lighting) bool bSpecialLit;
Only affects special-lit surfaces.

LightCone Source code

var(Lighting) byte LightCone;

LightEffect Source code

var(Lighting) ELightEffect LightEffect;

LightPeriod Source code

var(Lighting) byte LightPeriod;

LightPhase Source code

var(Lighting) byte LightPhase;

LightRadius Source code

var(Lighting) byte LightRadius;

LightType Source code

var(Lighting) ELightType LightType;

VolumeBrightness Source code

var(Lighting) byte VolumeBrightness;

VolumeFog Source code

var(Lighting) byte VolumeFog;

VolumeRadius Source code

var(Lighting) byte VolumeRadius;


AttachTag Source code

var(Movement) name AttachTag;

bBounce Source code

var(Movement) bool bBounce;
Bounces when hits ground fast.

bFixedRotationDir Source code

var(Movement) bool bFixedRotationDir;
Fixed direction of rotation.

bRotateToDesired Source code

var(Movement) bool bRotateToDesired;
Rotate to DesiredRotation.

Buoyancy Source code

var(Movement) float Buoyancy;
Water buoyancy.

DesiredRotation Source code

var(Movement) rotator DesiredRotation;
Physics will smoothly rotate actor to this rotation if bRotateToDesired.

Location Source code

var(Movement) const vector Location;
Actor's location; use Move to set.

Mass Source code

var(Movement) float Mass;
Mass of this actor.

Physics Source code

var(Movement) EPhysics Physics;

Rotation Source code

var(Movement) const rotator Rotation;

RotationRate Source code

var(Movement) rotator RotationRate;
Change in rotation per second.

Velocity Source code

var(Movement) vector Velocity;


NetPriority Source code

var(Networking) float NetPriority;
Higher priorities means update it more frequently.

NetUpdateFrequency Source code

var(Networking) float NetUpdateFrequency;
How many net updates per seconds.

RemoteRole Source code

var(Networking) ENetRole RemoteRole;


Group Source code

var(Object) name Group;

InitialState Source code

var(Object) name InitialState;


AmbientSound Source code

var(Sound) sound AmbientSound;
Ambient sound effect.

SoundPitch Source code

var(Sound) byte SoundPitch;
Sound pitch shift, 64.0=none.

SoundRadius Source code

var(Sound) byte SoundRadius;
Radius of ambient sound.

SoundVolume Source code

var(Sound) byte SoundVolume;
Volume of ambient sound.

TransientSoundRadius Source code

var(Sound) float TransientSoundRadius;
Default sound radius for regular sounds (can be overridden in playsound).

TransientSoundVolume Source code

var(Sound) float TransientSoundVolume;
Default sound volume for regular sounds (can be overridden in playsound).

Enumerations Detail

EDodgeDir Source code

enum EDodgeDir
DODGE_None, DODGE_Left, DODGE_Right, DODGE_Forward, DODGE_Back, DODGE_Active, DODGE_Done

EDrawType Source code

enum EDrawType
DT_None, DT_Sprite, DT_Mesh, DT_Brush, DT_RopeSprite, DT_VerticalSprite, DT_Terraform, DT_SpriteAnimOnce,
The DrawType enumneration sets how the actor displays. Some of these options work with another property to set what is displayed.
The actor isn't displayed at all. bHidden instead in most cases because it will allow the actor to still show up in UnrealEd.
Display a sprite with the material set in the Texture property.
Display the mesh set in the Mesh property.
Only for Brush classes.
Like DT_Sprite, but plays an animated texture's animation at a speed that plays the animation exactly once during the LifeSpan of the actor.
Display the static mesh set in the StaticMesh property.
Used by particle effect actors (Emitter, xEmitter, xWeatherEffect) and xProcMeshes.
Used for Antiportals.
Used by FluidSurfaceInfos. See Fluid Surfaces.

EInputAction Source code

enum EInputAction
IST_None, IST_Press, IST_Hold, IST_Release, IST_Axis,

EInputKey Source code

enum EInputKey
IK_None, IK_LeftMouse, IK_RightMouse, IK_Cancel, IK_MiddleMouse, IK_Unknown05, IK_Unknown06, IK_Unknown07, IK_Backspace, IK_Tab, IK_Unknown0A, IK_Unknown0B, IK_Unknown0C, IK_Enter, IK_Unknown0E, IK_Unknown0F, IK_Shift, IK_Ctrl, IK_Alt, IK_Pause, IK_CapsLock, IK_Unknown15, IK_Unknown16, IK_Unknown17, IK_Unknown18, IK_Unknown19, IK_Unknown1A, IK_Escape, IK_Unknown1C, IK_Unknown1D, IK_Unknown1E, IK_Unknown1F, IK_Space, IK_PageUp, IK_PageDown, IK_End, IK_Home, IK_Left, IK_Up, IK_Right, IK_Down, IK_Select, IK_Print, IK_Execute, IK_PrintScrn, IK_Insert, IK_Delete, IK_Help, IK_0, IK_1, IK_2, IK_3, IK_4, IK_5, IK_6, IK_7, IK_8, IK_9, IK_Unknown3A, IK_Unknown3B, IK_Unknown3C, IK_Unknown3D, IK_Unknown3E, IK_Unknown3F, IK_Unknown40, IK_A, IK_B, IK_C, IK_D, IK_E, IK_F, IK_G, IK_H, IK_I, IK_J, IK_K, IK_L, IK_M, IK_N, IK_O, IK_P, IK_Q, IK_R, IK_S, IK_T, IK_U, IK_V, IK_W, IK_X, IK_Y, IK_Z, IK_Unknown5B, IK_Unknown5C, IK_Unknown5D, IK_Unknown5E, IK_Unknown5F, IK_NumPad0, IK_NumPad1, IK_NumPad2, IK_NumPad3, IK_NumPad4, IK_NumPad5, IK_NumPad6, IK_NumPad7, IK_NumPad8, IK_NumPad9, IK_GreyStar, IK_GreyPlus, IK_Separator, IK_GreyMinus, IK_NumPadPeriod, IK_GreySlash, IK_F1, IK_F2, IK_F3, IK_F4, IK_F5, IK_F6, IK_F7, IK_F8, IK_F9, IK_F10, IK_F11, IK_F12, IK_F13, IK_F14, IK_F15, IK_F16, IK_F17, IK_F18, IK_F19, IK_F20, IK_F21, IK_F22, IK_F23, IK_F24, IK_Unknown88, IK_Unknown89, IK_Unknown8A, IK_Unknown8B, IK_Unknown8C, IK_Unknown8D, IK_Unknown8E, IK_Unknown8F, IK_NumLock, IK_ScrollLock, IK_Unknown92, IK_Unknown93, IK_Unknown94, IK_Unknown95, IK_Unknown96, IK_Unknown97, IK_Unknown98, IK_Unknown99, IK_Unknown9A, IK_Unknown9B, IK_Unknown9C, IK_Unknown9D, IK_Unknown9E, IK_Unknown9F, IK_LShift, IK_RShift, IK_LControl, IK_RControl, IK_UnknownA4, IK_UnknownA5, IK_UnknownA6, IK_UnknownA7, IK_UnknownA8, IK_UnknownA9, IK_UnknownAA, IK_UnknownAB, IK_UnknownAC, IK_UnknownAD, IK_UnknownAE, IK_UnknownAF, IK_UnknownB0, IK_UnknownB1, IK_UnknownB2, IK_UnknownB3, IK_UnknownB4, IK_UnknownB5, IK_UnknownB6, IK_UnknownB7, IK_UnknownB8, IK_UnknownB9, IK_Semicolon, IK_Equals, IK_Comma, IK_Minus, IK_Period, IK_Slash, IK_Tilde, IK_UnknownC1, IK_UnknownC2, IK_UnknownC3, IK_UnknownC4, IK_UnknownC5, IK_UnknownC6, IK_UnknownC7, IK_Joy1, IK_Joy2, IK_Joy3, IK_Joy4, IK_Joy5, IK_Joy6, IK_Joy7, IK_Joy8, IK_Joy9, IK_Joy10, IK_Joy11, IK_Joy12, IK_Joy13, IK_Joy14, IK_Joy15, IK_Joy16, IK_UnknownD8, IK_UnknownD9, IK_UnknownDA, IK_LeftBracket, IK_Backslash, IK_RightBracket, IK_SingleQuote, IK_UnknownDF, IK_JoyX, IK_JoyY, IK_JoyZ, IK_JoyR, IK_MouseX, IK_MouseY, IK_MouseZ, IK_MouseW, IK_JoyU, IK_JoyV, IK_UnknownEA, IK_UnknownEB, IK_MouseWheelUp, IK_MouseWheelDown, IK_Unknown10E, UK_Unknown10F, IK_JoyPovUp, IK_JoyPovDown, IK_JoyPovLeft, IK_JoyPovRight, IK_UnknownF4, IK_UnknownF5, IK_Attn, IK_CrSel, IK_ExSel, IK_ErEof, IK_Play, IK_Zoom, IK_NoName, IK_PA1, IK_OEMClear

ELightEffect Source code

enum ELightEffect
LE_None, LE_TorchWaver, LE_FireWaver, LE_WateryShimmer, LE_Searchlight, LE_SlowWave, LE_FastWave, LE_CloudCast, LE_StaticSpot, LE_Shock, LE_Disco, LE_Warp, LE_Spotlight, LE_NonIncidence, LE_Shell, LE_OmniBumpMap, LE_Interference, LE_Cylinder, LE_Rotor, LE_Unused
Spatial light effect to use.

ELightType Source code

enum ELightType
LT_None, LT_Steady, LT_Pulse, LT_Blink, LT_Flicker, LT_Strobe, LT_BackdropLight, LT_SubtlePulse, LT_TexturePaletteOnce, LT_TexturePaletteLoop
Light modulation.

EMusicTransition Source code

enum EMusicTransition
MTRAN_None, MTRAN_Instant, MTRAN_Segue, MTRAN_Fade, MTRAN_FastFade, MTRAN_SlowFade,
Music transitions.

ENetRole Source code

enum ENetRole
ROLE_None, ROLE_DumbProxy, ROLE_SimulatedProxy, ROLE_AutonomousProxy, ROLE_Authority,
Net variables.
This means that none of the actor's attributes will not be replicated at all. Examples for this kind of actors are the GameInfo, Mutators and GameRules as well as some explosion effects and decals in UT. Note that Actor's with this role can still be instantiated on network game clients if spawned from the right function. For example if an Actor with ROLE_None is instantiated from a simulated event PostBeginPlay() function it will be created on both the server and the client as this function is invoked on both. However the server-side Actor and the client-side Actor are two completely independant entities. This means that destroying the actor on the server will not destroy the actor on the client (and vice-versa).
The actor is replicated, but can't execute any functions on the remote side. It will update when variables are replicated to it but will not attempt to interpolate.
The actor is replicated and may execute simulated functions and simulated state code on the remote side. Often this kind of actor simulates its behavior based on initially replicated properties without (much) further "help" from the server.
Autonomous proxies come with some more magic built-in. They are basically simulated proxies, but may execute simulated and non-simulated functions on the client owning/controlling this actor (only on that client!). In UT only PlayerPawns are autonomous proxies, in UT2003 only PlayerControllers are. Every other client sees them as a regular simulated proxy. Player-controlled actors, such as the guided redeemer missile (GuidedWarshell in UT or RedeemerWarhead in UT2003) are autonomous proxies on the controlling player's client, too.
All functions can be executed. This role is only allowed on the machine the actor was spawned on. All actors on the server or in standalone games have Role== ROLE_Authority. Never manually set the RemoteRole on the authorative version of an actor or the Role on a replicated version of the actor to this value.

EPhysics Source code

enum EPhysics
PHYS_None, PHYS_Walking, PHYS_Falling, PHYS_Swimming, PHYS_Flying, PHYS_Rotating, PHYS_Projectile, PHYS_Rolling, PHYS_Interpolating, PHYS_MovingBrush, PHYS_Spider, PHYS_Trailer
Actor's PhysicsType is set in the Physics property. Use the SetPhysics() method to change.
(new in UT2003)
Automatically applies the gravity of the current zone. Pawn-set acceleration in the Z direction is ignored.
The Pawn or Actor can move independantly from gravity. Velocity on the Z axis is ignored.
This is is a fun Physics type. When you an actors physics to PHYS_Hovering, it, er, hovers a few UU off the ground. If you do this to an xPawn, for example, it will act kind of like a hovercraft. Friction is reduced (so you slide around, and slide down ramps), and if you go at speed up an incline you can do some massive jumps.
Used in conjunction with bInterpolating in Actor. Seems to also use the PhysRate and PhysAlpha parameters. Seems to be a leftover from the pre-Matinee days.
Signals an Actor is to be effected by the Karma engine.
This is used for dead pawns.
Applies to an Actor when they are climbing a ladder.
Used for Movers
No native physics code is applied.
Uses velocities on all 3 axes but DOES NOT use the current Zone's ZoneGravity and ZoneFluidFriction members to adjust velocity. This means that actors with a velocity are not affected by gravity or friction. Actors with this physics setting do not have any freedom of movement.
(removed in UT2003)
(new in UT2003)
Only rotation changes. Location doesn't change. If bRotateToDesired is false, then the Actor rotates according to RotationRate. If bRotateToDesired is true, then the Actor rotates to the rotation specified by DesiredRotation at the speed specified by RotationRate.
Similar to PHYS_Walking except it applies to an Actor against any surface, not just a "ground" surface. An Actor in PHYS_Spider will move against a horizontal or vertical surface just like in PHYS_Walking. When the end of the surface is reached the Pawn will be set to PHYS_Falling. PHYS_Spider only works on one plane, it will not allow a Pawn to move across perpendicular walls.
Similar to PHYS_Flying, but also take the zone's FluidFriction into account.
Used to set an Actor to follow its Owner. An Actor set this way has no physics of its own, (*including collision) and simply follow their Owner around. NOTE: There are two settings in the Actor class which can specify the actions of a PHYS_Trailer. First is bTrailerPrePivot, which, when set to True, causes the Actor in PHYS_Trailer to be positioned away from its Owner by the vector value set in PrePivot. If not set or left at 0, the Actor in PHYS_Trailer will have the same location as its Owner. Secondly, there is bTrailerSameRotation, which causes the Actor in PHYS_Trailer to have the same Rotation as its Owner no matter where it is.
Native physics code for Pawn class only. Applies all the things that make a pawn move around on the ground. Must have a Base set, without a Base to walk on, this turns to PHYS_Falling.

ERenderStyle Source code

enum ERenderStyle
STY_None, STY_Normal, STY_Masked, STY_Translucent, STY_Modulated,
Style for rendering sprites, meshes.

ESoundSlot Source code

enum ESoundSlot
SLOT_None, SLOT_Misc, SLOT_Pain, SLOT_Interact, SLOT_Ambient, SLOT_Talk, SLOT_Interface,

ETravelType Source code

enum ETravelType
TRAVEL_Absolute, TRAVEL_Partial, TRAVEL_Relative,
Travelling from server to server.
Absolute URL.
Partial (carry name, reset server).
Relative URL.

Structures Detail

PointRegion Source code

struct PointRegion
var int iLeaf;
var zoneinfo Zone;
var byte ZoneNumber;
Identifies a unique convex volume in the world.
Bsp leaf.
Zone Number.

Functions Detail

AllActors Source code

native(304) final iterator function AllActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional name MatchTag )
Avoid using AllActors() too often as it iterates through the whole actor list and is therefore slow.

AnimEnd Source code

event AnimEnd ( )
Notification that the current animation has ended. Allows an object to wait for animation completion before proceeding with other activities.

Attach Source code

event Attach ( Actor Other )

AutonomousPhysics Source code

native(3971) final function AutonomousPhysics ( float DeltaSeconds )

BaseChange Source code

event BaseChange ( )

BasedActors Source code

native(306) final iterator function BasedActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )
Returns all actors based on the current actor (slow, like AllActors)

BecomeViewTarget Source code

function BecomeViewTarget ( )
Called by PlayerController when this actor becomes its ViewTarget.

BeginEvent Source code

event BeginEvent ( )

BeginPlay Source code

event BeginPlay ( )

BroadcastMessage Source code

event BroadcastMessage ( coerce string Msg, optional bool bBeep, optional name Type )

Bump Source code

event Bump ( Actor Other )

ChildActors Source code

native(305) final iterator function ChildActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )
ChildActors() returns all actors owned by this actor. Slow like AllActors()

ConsoleCommand Source code

native function string ConsoleCommand ( string Command )
Execute a console command in the context of the current level and game engine.

DemoPlaySound Source code

native simulated event DemoPlaySound ( sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot Slot, optional float Volume, optional bool bNoOverride, optional float Radius, optional float Pitch )

Destroy Source code

native(279) final function bool Destroy ( )
Destroy this actor. Returns true if destroyed, false if indestructable.
Destruction is latent. It occurs at the end of the tick.

Destroyed Source code

event Destroyed ( )

Detach Source code

event Detach ( Actor Other )

EncroachedBy Source code

event EncroachedBy ( actor Other )

EncroachingOn Source code

event bool EncroachingOn ( actor Other )

EndedRotation Source code

event EndedRotation ( )
Called when rotation completes

EndEvent Source code

event EndEvent ( )

Error Source code

native(233) final function Error ( coerce string S )
Handle an error and kill this one actor.

Expired Source code

event Expired ( )

Falling Source code

event Falling ( )

FellOutOfWorld Source code

event FellOutOfWorld ( )
Sets physics to none and destroys the actor.

FinishAnim Source code

native(261) final latent function FinishAnim ( )

FinishInterpolation Source code

native(301) final latent function FinishInterpolation ( )

GainedChild Source code

event GainedChild ( Actor Other )

GetAnimGroup Source code

native(293) final function name GetAnimGroup ( name Sequence )

GetHumanName Source code

function String GetHumanName ( )

GetItemName Source code

function String GetItemName ( string FullName )

GetMapName Source code

native(539) final function string GetMapName ( string NameEnding, string MapName, int Dir )

GetNextInt Source code

native final function string GetNextInt ( string ClassName, int Num )

GetNextIntDesc Source code

native final function GetNextIntDesc ( string ClassName, int Num, out string Entry, out string Description )

GetNextSkin Source code

native(545) final function GetNextSkin ( string Prefix, string CurrentSkin, int Dir, out string SkinName, out string SkinDesc )

GetURLMap Source code

native(547) final function string GetURLMap ( )

HasAnim Source code

native(263) final function bool HasAnim ( name Sequence )

HitWall Source code

event HitWall ( vector HitNormal, actor HitWall )

HurtRadius Source code

final function HurtRadius ( float DamageAmount, float DamageRadius, name DamageName, float Momentum, vector HitLocation )
Hurt locally authoritative actors within the radius.

InterpolateEnd Source code

event InterpolateEnd ( actor Other )

IsAnimating Source code

native(282) final function bool IsAnimating ( )

KillCredit Source code

event KillCredit ( Actor Other )

KilledBy Source code

event KilledBy ( pawn EventInstigator )

Landed Source code

event Landed ( vector HitNormal )

LoopAnim Source code

native(260) final function LoopAnim ( name Sequence, optional float Rate, optional float TweenTime, optional float MinRate )

LostChild Source code

event LostChild ( Actor Other )
Called when another actor with this actor as its owner is destroyed.

MakeNoise Source code

native(512) final function MakeNoise ( float Loudness )
Inform other creatures that you've made a noise they might hear (they are sent a HearNoise message). Senders of MakeNoise should have an instigator if they are not pawns.

Move Source code

native(266) final function bool Move ( vector Delta )

MoveSmooth Source code

native(3969) final function bool MoveSmooth ( vector Delta )

PlayAnim Source code

native(259) final function PlayAnim ( name Sequence, optional float Rate, optional float TweenTime )

PlayerCanSeeMe Source code

native(532) final function bool PlayerCanSeeMe ( )
PlayerCanSeeMe returns true if any player (server) or the local player (standalone or client) has a line of sight to actor's location.

PlaySound Source code

native(264) final function PlaySound ( sound Sound, optional ESoundSlot Slot, optional float Volume, optional bool bNoOverride, optional float Radius, optional float Pitch )
Play a sound effect.

PostBeginPlay Source code

event PostBeginPlay ( )
Called immediately after gameplay begins.

PostTeleport Source code

event PostTeleport ( Teleporter OutTeleporter )

PreBeginPlay Source code

event PreBeginPlay ( )
Called immediately before gameplay begins.

PreTeleport Source code

event bool PreTeleport ( Teleporter InTeleporter )

RadiusActors Source code

native(310) final iterator function RadiusActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, float Radius, optional vector Loc )
RadiusActors() returns all actors within a give radius. Slow like AllActors(). Use CollidingActors() or VisibleCollidingActors() instead if desired actor types are visible (not bHidden) and in the collision hash (bCollideActors is true)

RenderOverlays Source code

event RenderOverlays ( canvas Canvas )
Called by player's hud to request drawing of actor specific overlays onto canvas

RenderTexture Source code

event RenderTexture ( ScriptedTexture Tex )

SetBase Source code

native(298) final function SetBase ( actor NewBase )

SetCollision Source code

native(262) final function SetCollision ( optional bool NewColActors, optional bool NewBlockActors, optional bool NewBlockPlayers )

SetCollisionSize Source code

native(283) final function bool SetCollisionSize ( float NewRadius, float NewHeight )

SetDefaultDisplayProperties Source code

function SetDefaultDisplayProperties ( )

SetDisplayProperties Source code

function SetDisplayProperties ( ERenderStyle NewStyle, texture NewTexture, bool bLighting, bool bEnviroMap )
Set the display properties of an actor. By setting them through this function, it allows the actor to modify other components (such as a Pawn's weapon) or to adjust the result based on other factors (such as a Pawn's other inventory wanting to affect the result)

SetInitialState Source code

simulated event SetInitialState ( )
Called after PostBeginPlay.

SetLocation Source code

native(267) final function bool SetLocation ( vector NewLocation )
This function sets the location of the actor it is called on. It will not work on actors with PHYS_Karma or PHYS_KarmaRagdoll. If the actor cannot occupy the new location because it is colliding with an actor that can block it, it will be placed at the nearest valid location. Note that because Terrain has no "volume" and is just a bent up sheet, the actor may not be moved in this manner when it penetrates terrain.

SetOwner Source code

native(272) final function SetOwner ( actor NewOwner )

SetPhysics Source code

native(3970) final function SetPhysics ( EPhysics newPhysics )

SetRotation Source code

native(299) final function bool SetRotation ( rotator NewRotation )
This function sets the rotation of the actor it is called on. It will not work on actors with PHYS_Karma or PHYS_KarmaRagdoll.

SetTimer Source code

native(280) final function SetTimer ( float NewTimerRate, bool bLoop )
Causes Timer() events every NewTimerRate seconds. If bLoop is true, causes Timer() events every NewTimerRate seconds. Otherwise, causes Timer() to be called once in NewTimerRate seconds. SetTimer(0.0, False); stops the timer.

Sleep Source code

native(256) final latent function Sleep ( float Seconds )
Waits for the specified amount of time before returning.
Latent function, can only be used in state code.

Spawn Source code

native(278) final function actor Spawn ( class<actor> SpawnClass, optional actor SpawnOwner, optional name SpawnTag, optional vector SpawnLocation, optional rotator SpawnRotation )
Spawn an actor. Returns an actor of the specified class, not of class Actor (this is hardcoded in the compiler).
Returns None if the actor could not be spawned (either the actor wouldn't fit in the specified location, or the actor list is full).
Defaults to spawning at the spawner's location.

Spawned Source code

event Spawned ( )

SpecialHandling Source code

event Actor SpecialHandling ( Pawn Other )

TakeDamage Source code

event TakeDamage ( int Damage, Pawn EventInstigator, vector HitLocation, vector Momentum, name DamageType )

Tick Source code

event Tick ( float DeltaTime )

Timer Source code

event Timer ( )

Touch Source code

event Touch ( Actor Other )

TouchingActors Source code

native(307) final iterator function TouchingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor )
Returns all actors touching the current actor (fast).

Trace Source code

native(277) final function Actor Trace ( out vector HitLocation, out vector HitNormal, vector TraceEnd, optional vector TraceStart, optional bool bTraceActors, optional vector Extent )
This traces a path to find what it collides with first. The line will be traced starting at TraceStart and ending at TraceEnd. If bTraceActors is true, actors will be considered for the tracing, otherwise only pieces of the world (terrain, staticmeshactors, BSP) will be considered for collision. When the trace hits something, HitLocation and HitNormal will be set to contain the location and normal of the impact. If specified, the material of the surface hit can also be returned. If an Extent is specified, you can have the trace have "width." It will have a box of the size specified as a vector (corner to corner) as the "thickness" of the trace.
Note that traces are not very fast, so should be avoided or kept to a minimum where possible.
Note that if you want actors to be considered for traces they must be able to block the trace, either by bCollideActors, or easier with bBlockZeroExtentTraces or bBlockNonZeroExtentTraces if your trace uses extents.

TraceActors Source code

native(309) final iterator function TraceActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, out vector HitLoc, out vector HitNorm, vector End, optional vector Start, optional vector Extent )
Return all actors along a traced line. Reasonably fast (like any trace)

TravelPostAccept Source code

event TravelPostAccept ( )
Called when carried into a new level, after AcceptInventory.

TravelPreAccept Source code

event TravelPreAccept ( )
Called when carried onto a new level, before AcceptInventory.

Trigger Source code

event Trigger ( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )

TweenAnim Source code

native(294) final function TweenAnim ( name Sequence, float Time )

UnTouch Source code

event UnTouch ( Actor Other )

UnTrigger Source code

event UnTrigger ( Actor Other, Pawn EventInstigator )

VisibleActors Source code

native(311) final iterator function VisibleActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc )
Returns all visible (not bHidden) actors within a radius for which a trace from Loc (which defaults to caller's Location) to that actor's Location does not hit the world.
Slow like AllActors(). Use VisibleCollidingActors() instead if desired actor types are in the collision hash (bCollideActors is true)

VisibleCollidingActors Source code

native(312) final iterator function VisibleCollidingActors ( class<actor> BaseClass, out actor Actor, optional float Radius, optional vector Loc, optional bool bIgnoreHidden )
Returns all colliding (bCollideActors==true) actors within a certain radius for which a trace from Loc (which defaults to caller's Location) to that actor's Location does not hit the world.
Much faster than AllActors() since it uses the collision hash

WriteDeathMessage Source code

static function String WriteDeathMessage ( PlayerReplicationInfo Killer, PlayerReplicationInfo Other, optional name damagetype )

ZoneChange Source code

event ZoneChange ( ZoneInfo NewZone )



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