Vortex Na Pali

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Welcome to the Vortex Na Pali.
Your Commander is Captain Sebastion Dinwitty.
Communications are available thru  dinwitty@planetunreal.com dinwitty@planetunreal.com

Scanning system for available destinations....
...you have available...

You have new messages. Please check.The Unreal Page

Recreational events now available for participation Unreal Tournament 2003!!!
Inship HoloMorphic performances for your entertainment. BOSSDANCE!
Conversion of memoirs of 2nd mission on Na Pali to new Interface Controller-Link RTNP2UT
Galactic Exchange Servitude Memorial - Link Memorial
New mission assignments-READ - Link Unreal2
Capture the Flag Simul-conceptulizations - Link Faced!
Team Simulation of Na Pali encounter. - Link Return To Na Pali COOP!
Capture The Flag Tournament 4 Flags  - Link   CTFPlus!!!
The Vortex Na Pali Multi Support Site - Link  Vortex Na Pali Part Two
The Commander's Latest Orders - Link Commander's News and Orders.
Historical Review and Detailed Walkthru of your assigned mission to the planet of Na Pali.
     Label Assigned by user< "Mission Pak: Return To Na Pali"
     Link Na Pali Walkthru
Problems with the Interface Controller:
     Solutions here.  Bug Fixes for Na Pali
...end of destinations.
Pass your pointer selector over the links and depress the access button to retrieve the selected data.
The Commander highly recomends reading the latest orders for assimilation of newly acquired
data on missions in progress for your attention. Successful completion of these missions may demand
your involvement, special orders may be made for your exclusive participation.
To log out, use the following link.
Terminate current session.  PlanetUnreal
You have accessed your datafile times.