walkthruNaPali Walkthrough of Return To Na Pali, an Unreal Mission Pak created by
Legend Entertainment in Association with Epic Games.

Copyright 1999 dinwitty   (I have a real name, i just wont post it up here)

Inside UMS Prometheus
Author: Matthias Worch
Filename: Crashsite2.unr

Overview: Make your way to find the logs and activate the transmitter, only to learn the gritty truth.

You are in a lower level filled with water, exit thru the door.
Check out the other quarters for the searchlight and bandages.
One door will not open so go thru the other.
More quarters are here, but there is only a bandage in one.

The passage around the corner is blocked and you may see some mercenaries wandering.
Enter the break in the wall and go in the pipe.
This leads to an inner chamber, look out for Amoebas.

One pipe is open here, enter it. This will lead you to control room.
Use a weak weapon and break the glass and exit. 2 Car clips are here.
Go up the steps to the door and exit.
You are near the supplies, and the broken door is here.

Enter the other door, mercenaries ready.
You are in the shuttle bay, one is present. Exit the door on the other end,
and pass thru to the next door and enter.
The way is blocked.
Return back to the shuttlebay.

Climb up the triangular support and enter the control room, you can break a window if you have to.

Go past the control room into the "comfort room" I will call it,
the purpose will become obvious. In here on one of the "supports" is the log you have been looking for.
Take it.

Go up the stairs to the communicator on the wall, you will get a sort of "intermission"
and it is revealed in the communications, which has been on all this time recorded a conversation
from the Bodega Bay, that your life outlook isn't looking so good......
You will be stuck in the intermission till its sequencing is done, so be patient.

Enter the next room through the door. A mercenary is waiting.
In the control room to the left there is another. A doorway to the right leads to some quarters,
and more mercenaries.
Supplies in the quarters, some rockets, CAR clip and Healthpak
The other doorway gets you nowhere so exit and go thru the next door into the hallways
where you will find the same blocked passage, and an elevator up.
Ahead of you is the observation deck. Enter it, and exit the broken wall.

Exploring the top of the Prometheus will reveal some dropboxes with rockets
and Car Clips, get them you will need them.
Also look for a blocked cave. You can't enter it yet.
Once you have found the goodies return back inside.

Some healthpaks are behind the bridge in a drop box, if your healthy enough, dont take them you may need them.
There is an assult vest under a first aid replicator. Take it, but it will not replicate.

Go up the Navigation lift and enter the bridge.
Walk forward, this will activate the bridge, and reveals your whereabouts to the Bodega Bay,

Marines are beaming down. Have your heaviest artillary ready, this is a tough battle.
You can run around, use your own strategy for this,
it may take several deaths and reloads, so save your game before activating the Bridge.
There are several waves of beaming downs with Marines. 3 waves to be exact.

When done, finally, a final beam blasts the entrance to the caves for your exit.
Incidentally, if nothing happens and the cave doesnt open,
cheat fly around for any marines on the ground and take them out. That will correct the sequencing.
The ground is set for killing but its not perfect.

When all done enter the cave, careful not to fall to the ground, instakill.
Go up the lift.

Entering the next area are spiders. Take the passage to the left.
The room following has a spider and barrels with Tarydium shards.

Enter the doorway and...


On to...
Spire Valley
Author(s): Nivlek/Pancho
Filename: SpireLand.unr

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