How To Host Hide n Seek

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(This is assuming you already know the basics of setting up a server. There are still plenty of guides for that, so I won't cover it)

The problem with Hide and Seek is that most of the maps that are good for playing on, i.e. coop maps, have spawn points located at one point of the maps. This means that hiders would spawn right next to the IT every round, and likely could not get far. To solve this problem, Hide and Seek lets you summon player starts using commands (The list of commands is at the bottom of this page), and they will be saved to a config file, and will spawn every time the map is loaded. PlayerBlocks also work the same way, they allow you to block off parts of the map, limiting the size. Most coop maps are pretty big, but can be divided into sections that will play much better on Hide and Seek. I highly recommend finding maps that could be good for Hide and Seek and setting them up with this system. It is a good idea to have several maps available on a server.

To actually administer the server, many commands have been added to manipulate the gameplay, as well as many config variables that can change the way the game plays. The list of variables is directly below, followed by the list of Administrative commands. Needless to say, only Admins for the server can use the Administrative commands, or the PlayerStart manipulation commands.


This is a list of all the config variables in the GameInfo, and a brief description of what they do

class<weapon> Weapons[3]- This array contains all the weapons that will be given to all players at the beginning of the game. By default, players will start only with the dispersion pistol. Any weapon can be added into the array, including third party weapons. Note that ammo automatically regenerates at the rate of 1 per second, so additional ammo is not needed.
bool BFoundPlayersHelp - If true, Whenever a player is found, he starts helping the IT find others. If False, or if there are already MaxIts players seeking, found players become spectators for the rest of the round.
bool Bgivesearchlight - If true, players spawn with a searchlight.
int playerJumpz - The default JumpZ of players. If the map jumpZ is 0, or if bUseMapJumpz is False, this will be used.
int Roundpause - Time in seconds between rounds. All players are spectators during this time. It's counts down as blue "x..." in the center of the screen.
int DefaultRoundTime - Round time, in minutes, used if the MapRoundTime is 0 or if bUseMapTimes is False, this time will be used.
int resetsallowed - Number of times a player is allowed to Reset his postion. Spectators can reset it any number of times.
bool Ballowweapons - If true, weapons and ammo will not be deleted at the beginning of every map. Players can therefore grab additional weapons.
bool BUseAllStarts - If true, and summoned playerstarts are present, all playerstarts will be used, including normal ones. Normally, the original player starts are not used if summoned player starts exist.
int MaxDist - The maximum distance players will spawn from the IT. Assuming this works. I'm actually not positive. 0 is no limit.
bool bUseMapJumpz - If true, the JumpZ for individual maps will be used (saved in HSPlayerstarts.ini), instead of the Default PlayerJumpz stored in HideNSeek.ini.
bool bUseMapTimes - If true, the Round time and Count time stored in HSPlayerStarts.ini will be used, instead of DefaultRoundTime and DefaultCountTime in HideNSeek.ini.
int RoundLimit - Maximum number of rounds before the game ends and moves on to the next map in the Maplist. 0 is no limit.
int ScoreLimit - Maximum score for a person before the game ends and moves on to the next map in the Maplist. 0 is no limit.
ENextItType NextItType - Determines the way the NextIt is determined. Can be one of four values: Random, FirstFound, LastFound, and InOrder.
int MaxIts - Maximum number of players that can be seeking at once. Includes the IT. 0 is no limit.
bool BNoBooks - If true, all books except the ones made from the inventory item will be destroyed. This is in case you don't want players to be able to bookjump. However, I consider it to be a useful strategy, hence me making the inventory item.
bool BNoSkinChanges - If true, players cannot use the ChangeSkin command.
bool BNoAnimChanges - If true, players cannot use the SetAnim command.
string ModeratorPassword - This string is the login password for moderators. They have less power than a full admin, and can not do any of the PlayerStart Commands. However, they still have a good deal of power, so this password should not be given away lightly. The password is case sensitive (Note that the admin password is not...). Any failed login attempts are logged and the person is automatically kicked. Note that if the password is blank (default), moderators are not allowed at all, and all attempts will fail and then result in a kick.
bool bNoModsWhileAdmin - If true, moderators have no power at all while an administrator is present. They can login, and will be considered logged in, but will have no active power while admins are present. They will become active again when all admins leave the game, and will lose this power once any log back in. Inactive moderators are informed of these changes through messages. This bool can be toggles in game with the (admin-only) ToggleMods command. The command will also log in/out moderators as appropriate.

Admin Commands

These commands can only be used by administrators and active moderators.

Giveup* <Optional GivePoints> - This command can also be used for admins and mods to force the end of the round. The optional boolean after GiveUp determines if points will be rewarded. If nothing is specified, it uses the default setting: Points are rewarded only if you are the IT.
Stats - This command will list the number of players, the number of spectators, the number of players hiding, and the number of seekers in the game, according to the Gametype. If this information is incorrect, you should use ResetAll (See below) to fix the information. Errors in the information can cause unpredictable gameplay, albeit mostly minor annoyances.
AddWeapon* <Weapon Classname> <optional bool bDontSave> - This command will give all players the weapon (This will also only work for weapons) specified by ClassName. It is specified the same was as a summon, so package can be omited if it is unreali or unrealshare. The weapon will be added to the array of weapons given to players if there is room, unless bDontSave is true.
ResetAll - This command will reset all of the game information; the number of players in the game and the number hiding will be re-calculated, all searchlights will be destroyed and re-added if necessary; the JumpZ of all players will be reset to the Map's JumpZ or the game's JumpZ; If no one is it, a new it will be picked.
Kick <Player Name/ID> - This command allows you to kick players. It has been changed for Hide and Seek. In addition to being able to kick by playername, this command can also kick by player ID (IDs are shown on the scoreboard, and only for moderators and administrators), and can also be used to kick everyone (for whatever reason). Kicking by player name works the same as the default kick. Kicking by ID is simple, just do 'Kick <ID>'. Note that if you try to kick a player who's name begins with a number, it will try to kick the ID, and not the player. i.e. 'Kick 1Bane' will kick ID 1, NOT player 1Bane. Admins can kick all players by using "*" as the playername.
NextIt* <Player Name/ID> - This command will choose the person to be IT for the next round. This command will 'lock' the choice, meaning that the HideNSeek gameinfo will not change the choice, until the next round. Using "None" or "No one" will make no one the next it, until the HideNSeek gameinfo changes it. If the choice is locked, using NextIt on that player again will unlock it.
MakeIt <Player Name/ID> - This command will make a spectator into a temporary seeker. Like kick, this command will work for either playernames or playerIDs. 'MakeIt *' can also be used to make all spectators into temp-its. Unlike kick, moderators can use the wildcard. This command will have no effect on players who are away, who are not spectating, or if the round has not yet started (Command must be used after the IT finishes counting).
ForceAway <Player Name/ID> - This command will force a player to go into away status, or to come back if they don't know how to return or didn't know they went away. Like kick, this command uses either playernames or playerIDs. This should be used on any player that has gone away, without using the away command. It is very annoying when players who are away get chosen to be the IT. Also idle players will end up hiding at player starts, which can be seen as giving the IT a few unfair points.
ChangeItType <Random/FirstFound/LastFound/InOrder> - This command will change how the next IT is chosen. FirstFound will pick the first player found to be IT next, LastFound will pick the last player found to be IT, Random choose a random person to be IT every round, and InOrder will cycle through the list of all players, making everyone IT at the same rate, regardless of who found who when.
ListBooks - This commands list all the HNSBooks currently on the map. This is to be used in conjunction with QueryBook and DestroyBook. It will list all the book's ID numbers (based on the book's unique name) and the total number of books on the map.
QueryBook <ID> - This command gives you the owner (if any) of the book of the given ID.
DestroyBook <ID> - This command will destroy a book of a given ID. This should be used if a book is continually falling out of the world, thereby flooding the serverlog. If the book is owned by someone, it will have the same effect as if they recalled it by themself.
Wait - This command will stop the countdown to the beginning of the next round. This is useful if people are expected to join, but will miss the beginning of the round, and then become spectators for an entire round. This command has no effect if there is not currently a countdown.
SetRound - This command changes the current round number.
SwitchLevel - This command has been modified for Hide and Seek, so that moderators can change the current level.
ToggleMods (Admins only) - This command will toggle the bModsWhileAdmin boolean in HideNSeek gameinfo. It will either make all logged in moderators active (bModsWhileAdmin is false), or make all active moderators inactive (bModsWhileAdmin is true). All admins will be messaged the change, including the number of moderators made active/inactive, and all affected moderators will be notified as well.

Commands marked with an * will send a message to all Admins and Mods telling them about the change.

Playerstart Commands

AddEvent <EventName> - This command will add an event to the list for the map. Events are trigger for each specific map 1 second after the start.
RemoveEvent <EventName OR EventNumber> - This command will remove an event from the list, either by finding a match Event Name, or by using the number of the event.
SetMapJumpZ <New-JumpZ> - This command changes the JumpZ for the map, and also immediately changes the current jumpZ for all players. Map jumpZ is used instead of the game's JumpZ, if bUseMapJumpZ is true.
AddPlayerStart <Optional Description> - This command will add a summonable playerstart in front of you (as if you had summoned it, it uses the exact same location offset). The location of the new start, as well as the description (if one was added) will be stored into HSPlayerStarts.ini . The description is not necessary, and is only used to help you figure out what playerstart goes where, when viewing the INI file.
RemovePlayerStart <Entry-number> - This command will remove a summoned playerstart, both from the INI file, and will also delete the playerstart from the map.
AddBlock - This command summons a PlayerBlock in front of you (Again, it uses the exact same location offset as the summon command). Players cannot pass through these playerblocks, and should be used to block off passages and hallways, to limit the size of maps. The blocks have a collision radius of 40, and a collision height of 100.
RemoveBlock <Entry-Number> - This command will remove a PlayerBlock from the map, removing both the entry from the INI file and deleteing the block itself on the map.
Changecount <NewTime> - This command will change the number of seconds IT will count for. The time is limited to between 10 and 180 seconds.
ChangeRoundTime <NewTime> - This command will change the length of each round (measured in minutes). The change will be announced and the round time will be lengthened or shortened accordingly. The round will end if the remaining time is less than 0.
ListStarts <optional 'Log PlayerStarts', optional 'Log Events', optional 'Log Blocks'> - This command will message you the following stats: The current map number and total maps used, the number of PlayerStarts that exist on the map, the number of Events that were triggered on the map, and the number of PlayerBlocks that exist on the map. If '1' or 'true' is used for any of the Logs, it will log all of the PlayerStarts, Events, or PlayerBlocks used in the map.
ListEvents - This command will message you a list of all events used on this map.
ClearLists <optional EveryList, optional DeleteStarts> - Use this command to remove all playerstarts from the map. Normally, it will only remove the INI entry. To remove the PlayerStart lists for all maps, put '1' or 'true' after the command. To also delete the PlayerStarts on the current map, place a '1' or 'true' after EveryList. Note that if you wish to Delete the playerstarts, but not for all maps, you must put a '0' or 'false' for EveryList.
ShowStarts - This command will allow you to view all PlayerStarts and PlayerBlocks on the map. Only one person may view the PlayerStarts at a time, and you are given 30 seconds of un-interuptable viewing time. After that time has passed, another player may decide to view the starts, making them invisible to you once again. While the PlayerStarts and PlayerBlocks are visible, you can put your cursor over them, and over any mover, to get information about them on your HUD. The HUD will show the location of each PlayerStart or Block, the entry number, and the object's name. Information can also be viewed about movers, it will show the Mover Type (i.e. BumpOpenTimed or TriggerOpenTimed), the mover's tag (to make it easier to add an event to trigger them, if you wish to), and also the Mover's name.
AddImage - This command will add an image showing that this area is off limits. It is intended to be accompanied with PlayerBlocks. It was made as a separate class because most situations require multiple PlayerBlocks, but only one BlockImage is needed per group, and more would just look odd.
RemoveImage <Entry-Number> - This command will destroy a summoned Image, and remove the saved location from the Config