How To Play

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Quite simply, one person counts, everyone else hides. The game will not begin unless there are at least two people present, and will terminate if everyone leaves. The person who is it is randomly determined at start, and in each additional round it is the first person to be found, or random pick again if no one is found. The person is it is forced to stand still, and will automatically count down from the count time, while everyone else hides. This time is variable, defaults to 30 seconds, and can be changed in game. Once the time reaches 0, everyone is forced to be marked as ready. They will then become immobile, and must wait to either be found or for the round to end. Players CAN 'feign death', which will make them harder to find. This IS intentional, and IS encouraged (default key to feign death is 'F', the command is 'feigndeath'). Depending on the game rules (and must be set before the beginning of the game), players who are found will either help to find the remaining players, or will become spectators. The person who is it 'tags' other players by shooting them. A default weapon is given at the beginning of each round, and ammo replenishes at the rate of 1 every second. Whenever someone who is it (including players who were found and now help) finds another player, they will receive 1 point. If every person is found, the original it receives 5 points. Otherwise, any players that remain hidden receive 3 points. Also, there are several commands that can be used in the game. Typing 'commands' into the console will list all of the available commands, typing 'commands <A command> will give more specific information about the

Book Jumping

BookJumping is the most ludicrious, exploitable bug in the original Unreal. BookJumping is the process of standing on top of a book, shooting it repeatedly, as flying upwards, because a book always flies up when shot. BookJumping allowed people to get on top of cliffs in Coop games, and in Hide and Seek, it lets you get into new hiding spaces. Remember to check the ceiling! You may either find someone hiding on a normally unnoticed platform, or one that you could hide in during the next round. Thanks to the BookHolder, BookJumping in Hide and Seek is made much easier. It holds onto a book for you, so you don't need to shoot one to a conveinent location or use the Grab command. Activating the BookHolder throws down a book in front of you, deactivating it will recall the book. However, you need to be close to the BookHolder to recall the book, you cannot be standing on it, and you cannot be in the air. These were added to stop people from BookJumping to a difficult spot, and then recalling the book, and this is done for two reasons. The first is to prevent people from being able to get outside on some maps, it is possible on some to do a double BookJump and get outside. The second reason is to make BookJumping slightly less effective. After BookJumping, your book is left on the ground. Anyone who is looking for you will likely see the book, and realize that you, or someone, has probably tried to BookJump here, giving away your position. Of course, this knowledge won't help the person if you accomplished a very difficult BookJump, and they can't follow you. BookJumping does require a good deal of skill, and a lot of practice and patience. Time also helps, but you usually don't have very much while trying to hide.


Below is a list of all commands that have been added to the Hide and Seek gametype. All players can use these commands, and some are very useful for playing. I suggust you review the commands list. You can use the command 'commands' to get a list of commands available during the game

Ready - This marks a player who is finding a hiding spot as ready. When all players are ready, the IT will stop counting.
changestartmsg [Message] - This changes the message that you say when you are IT and finish counting. The message must be under 100 characters long. The default message is "Ready or not, here I come!"
Reset - This command will move you to a starting position on the map. You cannot do this if you are hiding, if PSMode is active, or if you have already used the maximum number of resets. The maximum number of resets is determined by the game's admin. Spectators are exempt from the last rule.
Time - This command will give you the amount of time remaining in the current round (or say that there is no round active), as well as the round number and total number of rounds, if any.
ToggleScores - This command will change the scoreboard from the new HideNSeek scoreboard to the default scoreboard, if you prefer the classic scoreboard.
Giveup - This command ends the round, if you are either IT or are an admin. If you are IT, the round will end and players will be given points for staying hidden. If you are admin, you can specify if players should receive points by using 'True' or 'False' after Giveup. If you do not specify, the default is used; No points given, unless you are the IT.
Safety - This command turns on/off the safety for your weapon. While on, your weapon will not fire, it will only make a clicking noise (that others cannot hear). This is useful while hiding but not feigningdeath, to make sure you don't accidentally fire, giving away your position
ChangeSkin - This command will change your skin. This is useful if you want to pose as a corpse in a map, i.e. hiding by pretending to be a decoration. Your skin is automatically reset at the beginning of every round.
SetAnim - This command plays an animation, but only if you are feigning death. This is useful for posing as a corpse, as most are not in the normal feign death position.
Away - This command will put you in away mode. At the beginning of each round, you will respawn as a spectator. Therefore, you won't be participating in the game until you come back from away mode (done by typing Away again). If you are seeking when you go into away mode, you will immediately become a spectator. If you are IT, Another seeker will become IT if one exists, if not the round will end. If hiding, you remain hiding until either found or the round ends, and will become a spectator then. It is encouraged that you use this command instead of just leaving the game open and leaving the computer, as then you will be quickly found, and if you become IT, you will lock up the game for an entire round unless an admin is present.
SetMusic - This command changes the song being played. Type the song name, and optionally the song section to use. If no music package is specified, it will attempt to load the package of the same name as the song, i.e. "K_Vision" becomes "K_Vision.K_Vision". Package must be specified if the name is different.
ModLogin - This command is used to log a player in as Moderator. Moderators are less powerful than a full administrator, but still have access to many HideNSeek commands, including map changing and kicking. Moderators can use every HideNSeek specific "AdminCommand" except ToggleMods. The list of commands available to Moderators is on the 'How to Host' page. Note that if you get the Moderator password wrong while logging in (the password IS case-sensitive), you will be automatically kicked.