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Enum RotType { RT_Top, RT_Lower, RT_Left, RT_Right }; var RotType Rotation; var int MaxX,MaxY; // Maximum relative x and relative y. Usually both are 3, but for the straight piece, these are 4. var Coords MyCoords; // My coordinates. var int blockcount; // Number of blocks attached to this piece. This changes as lines are deleted. var color BlockColor; // Color of each block. var bool bStationary; // A piece is stationary after it cannot fall anymore. /*simulated function DestroySelf() { Minigame.UnregisterPiece(Self); // Remove self from piece list. XCA.RemoveIcon(Self); // No longer needs to be rendered. }*/ function RenderMe(canvas C) { local int i; local vector V; For ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { If ( Blocks[i].Block != None ) // Render each block based on current coordinate location and block's relative location. { V = Minigame.GetCanvasCoords( MyCoords.X + Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.X, MyCoords.Y + Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.Y ); C.drawColor = BlockColor; c.SetPos(v.x,v.y); // Set position at the canvas' coordinates that correspond to the grid. c.DrawIcon( texture'Ancient.aceilin1', (Minigame.CoordLength)/128 ); } } /* V = Minigame.Getcanvascoords(mycoords.x,mycoords.y); c.setpos(v.x,v.y); c.drawicon( texture'aPower1', Minigame.coordlength/128 ); */ c.drawcolor = c.default.drawcolor; } function MinigameTick() { local vector DesiredLocation; If ( !bStationary ) { desiredlocation.x = 0; desiredlocation.z = 0; DesiredLocation.Y = 1; Minigame.AttemptMove(self,DesiredLocation); } } function Collide() { bStationary = True; Minigame.CurrentPiece = None; Minigame.AddOccupiedSquares(Self); Minigame.RemoveTickMember(Self); // Stationary - does not need to be ticked anymore. } function PostSpawn() { SetInitialBlocks(); } function setinitialblocks(); // Override in other classes. singular function Swap() // Used for rotational purposes. { local int r,temp; for ( r =0; r<4; r++ ) // Swap x,y coordinates of each block. There is a method to the madness. { Temp = Blocks[r].RelativeCoords.X; Blocks[r].RelativeCoords.X = Blocks[r].RelativeCoords.Y; Blocks[r].RelativeCoords.Y = Temp; } } function Inverse( bool bX ) // Used for rotational purposes. { local int i; For ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { If ( BX ) { If ( Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.x == 0 ) Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.x = MaxX; else if ( Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.x == MaxX ) Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.x = 0; } else { If ( Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.y == 0 ) Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.y = MaxY; else if ( Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.y == MaxY ) Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.y = 0; } } } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ); // Called by input. This is different for most every type of block. }P|RIFFWAVEfmt "VDdata[[[[[~~~~~~ 999999 PPPPPPP444444<<<<<<<(((((((hhhhhhQQQQQQ^^^^^^IIIIIInnnnnnn%%%%%%J J J J J J :::::::t t t t t t  }}}}}}       <<<<<<< ::::::: V V V V V V ////// UUUUUUUQQQQQQ______BBBBBB~~~~~~~      111111444444 888888 EEEEEEE{{{{{{ 222222<<<<<< =======yyyyyy&&&&&&\\\\\\IIIIIImmmmmm'''''''O O O O O O ]]]]]]KKKKKKKiiiiiinnnnnnwwwwwwgggggg/DDDD55555VVVVVTTTT))))SSSSSaaaaa>>>>}}}}}LLLLL99999+++++fffff +++++jjjjjllll????}}}}}2222....]]]]],,,,,XXXXQQQQQLLLLL(((((<<<<<yyyyMMMMMuuuuuVVVVVUUUUVVVVV))))oooo!!!!!>>>>>====={{{{lllllgggg ZZZZEEEEE77777.... /////yyyyy++++-----1111 tttttdddddllll(((((''''bbbbbaaaa      aaaa? ? ? ? ? WWWWWQQQQ?????~~~~~ f f f f ~~~~44444 jjjjjrrrrr88888'''''O O O O O ddddd *****TTTTTFFFF7 7 7 7  BBBBB| | | | ;;;;;,,,,, x x x x x b b b b b RRRRR ! ! ! ! [[[[[J J J J J }}}}}nnnnn#####N N N N N ^^^^^DDDDDKKKKKjjjjj+++++ggggg$$$$$ 8888iiiii^^^^^<<<<zzzzznnnnEEEEE((((7 7 7 7  XXXXX 999;;;vv MM@ @ @ Z Z  = = """DDR R R }},,,WWSS tt\\\II '''__7 7 RRR] ]  ((www'''3 3 ZZLLL...UU^^DDD[[GGgggqqqyyyBBB}} jjj gg> > UUUUU/// qqmmm ooo;;999222v v ;;;___888pp""CCC= = OOwww U U }}}AAA(((aaaee&&& ==333DD PPP __mmLLAAA ee  PPP 999 | | ...    BBB...,,~~~ kkk GGGrrr''hh111```hhWWWSS }}VV---ZZLLL999222 ==SSZ]]yyttXXBB  (({{GGVVSS[ [ vee66mmII!!//__LL  %%HHp p CCEvv55 % % ``88 NNJJll]]EE$$[[ r77nnuu<<@@CCzz..IImmMMee7 7 VVUU  ||BB||YYJJ3311MMnn--YYbbZZLLh~~uuhh00aa{{HH%%ddHHoo" " nn--YYOOaaAVVUU]]**[[//CC))NN%%JJCCUXX&&   !!ll::tt&&dd88VVZZcc 44ee88 TTCC++]]FF2266ll**ZZbb<<77tt11''OOMMHHoo gg==yy66''NN  YY@''  11bb <<55E E D//============================================================================= // TetrisOCB. //============================================================================= class TetrisOCB expands OnceClickButton; simulated function PressedEvent( bool bLeftClicked, bool bReleasedClick,optional float GUIX, optional float GUIY) { local vector V; if ( !bReleasedClick ) { V.X = GUIX; V.Y = GUIY; V.Z = 0; Clicked(bLeftClicked,V); } } simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,Vector Loc); Ocyc//============================================================================= // TetrisObjects. //============================================================================= class TetrisObjects expands xConsoleIcon; [Lv"eq!= y //============================================================================= // TetrisEndQ. //============================================================================= class TetrisEndQ expands EndGameQuestion; var tetris minigame; simulated function renderme(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; If ( !BIsPressed ) { C.SetPos(X,Y); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5); } Else { C.SetPos(X+8,Y+8); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5*0.75); } c.font = font'Smallfont'; C.StrLen("PLAY AGAIN",xl,yl); C.SetPos((X+32)-(xl/2),(Y+32)-(yl/2)); C.DrawText("PLAY AGAIN"); c.Reset(); } function UnclickEvent() { Minigame.Gotostate('GameStart'); xca.RemoveButton(Self); } dS^6.CloseGame aQc (-'? $ (u//============================================================================= // TetrisBlock. // // A small 16 x 16 (or whatever), square block that makes up a TetrisPiece. // //============================================================================= class TetrisBlock expands TetrisObjects; ~ID@D -q' FCD u(Yr//============================================================================= // Tetris. //============================================================================= class Tetris expands xMiniGame; #EXEC OBJ IMPORT STANDALONE TYPE=MUSIC FILE="C:\UGServer\xminigames\Music\TetrisGB.IT" NAME=Songa PACKAGE="xMiniGames" #EXEC OBJ IMPORT STANDALONE TYPE=MUSIC FILE="C:\UGServer\xminigames\Music\SilentForce.Mod" NAME=songB PACKAGE="xMiniGames" #EXEC OBJ IMPORT STANDALONE TYPE=MUSIC FILE="C:\UGServer\xminigames\Music\MultiTuneDungeon.mod" NAME=Songc PACKAGE="xMiniGames" #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\ugserver\xminigames\sounds\MovePiece.wav NAME="MovePiece" #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\ugserver\xminigames\sounds\CompleteLine.wav NAME="CompletedLine" #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\ugserver\xminigames\sounds\BigComplete.wav NAME="CompBonus" #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\ugserver\xminigames\sounds\RotatePiece.wav NAME="RotPiece" var Int DifficultyLevel; // How tough can things get?! var bool bGameOver; // Game over! var texture Background; // Changes with the difficulty. var TetrisPiece CurrentPiece; // The piece that is currently being controlled by player input. var TetrisPiece PieceList[180]; // 50 pieces can be in play. var int PieceIndex; // At what point in the list are we at? var float CoordLength; // Length of each cell. var Vector GridRoot; // X,Y point of origin of the grid. Struct Coords { Var int X; Var int Y; }; struct YComp { var bool bOccupied; }; struct XComp { var YComp Y[18]; }; Var() XComp Coord[10]; struct Blockvars { var coords Coords; }; var TetrisStartQ StartQuestion; var HostGameQuestion2 HostQuestion; var tetrisendq ReplayQuestion; var exitgamequestion ExitQuestion; var songbutton SA,SB,SC; var Int Lines,Score; // Lines and score. var struct ServerDet { var bool bIsServer; var PlayerReplicationInfo Clients[8]; var int ClientLines[8],ClientLevels[8],NumClients; var byte ClientInGame[7]; } ServerData; var struct ClientDet { var string ClientState,OtherPlayers[7]; var PlayerReplicationInfo ServerAdmin; var int OtherLines[7],OtherLevels[7],NumOtherPLS,AdminScores[2]; var bool bIsClient,bHostIsOut; var byte ClientInGame[7]; } ClientData; Auto state Query // Awaiting user input. { Ignores ClientIsAccepted,ClientIsDenyed; function beginstate() { bRenderMouse = True; MouseDrawscale = 1; MouseIcon = Texture'Uwindow.mousecursor'; mousestyle = sty_Normal; } function Initialize() { SetGridVars(); Lines = 0; Score = 0; SpawnInitialButtons(); } function setgridvars() { Background = texture'Xfx.Cloud'; CoordLength = ( (XCA.CanvasClipY*0.7) / 18 ); GridRoot.x = (XCA.CanvasClipX)/7; GridRoot.Y = (XCA.canvasclipy)/7; } function HostGame() // Call when you want host server game... { SendHostRequest(); ServerData.bIsServer = True; } function bool GotClientJoinRequest( PlayerReplicationInfo Client, out string Error ) { local int i; if( !ServerData.bIsServer ) { Error = "This is not a server"; Return False; } else if( ServerData.NumClients>=8 ) { Error = "Server is at maximum capacity"; Return False; } else if( GetMatchingSClient(Client)!=-1 ) { Error = "You are already in the server"; Return False; } For( i=0; i tRandom; V = GetCanvasCoords( (GridRoot.X+(CoordLength*xCoord)), GridRoot.Y + (CoordLength*yCoord) ); r = FRand(); If ( R > 0.85) RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'LPiece2', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); else if ( R > 0.7 ) RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'RightSPiece', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); else if ( R > 0.6 ) RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'SquarePiece', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); else if ( R > 0.4 ) RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'StraightPiece', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); else if ( R > 0.275 ) RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'PlusPiece', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); else if ( R > 0.15 ) RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'LeftSPiece', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); else RandomPiece = TetrisPiece(AddTickIcon( class'LPiece', texture'newgold', 1,1,0,0,1,1,V.X,V.y,True)); RandomPiece.Minigame = Self; f = FRand(); If( f > 0.75 ) RandomPiece.BlockColor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("Blue"); else if ( f > 0.5 ) RandomPiece.BlockColor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("Red"); else if ( F > 0.25 ) RandomPiece.BlockColor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("green"); else RandomPiece.BlockColor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("yellow"); RandomPiece.BlockCount = 4; RandomPiece.MyCoords.X = xCoord; RandomPiece.MyCoords.Y = yCoord; RandomPiece.Rotation = RT_Top; PieceList[PieceIndex] = RandomPiece; PieceIndex++; CurrentPiece = RandomPiece; } simulated function bool ProcessInput(int KeyNum,int ActionNum,float Delta) { local vector AddToLocation; super.ProcessInput(keynum,actionnum,delta); If ( (Key ~= "IK_Left" || Key ~= "IK_Right" || Key ~= "IK_Down" || Key ~= "IK_Up" ) && (CurrentPiece == None || Getstatename()=='GameOver') ) return False; If ( Getstatename() == 'Ticking' ) { If ( CurrentPiece != None ) { If ( Key ~= "IK_Down" && ( Action == "IST_Press" || Action == "IST_Hold" ) ) { AddToLocation.X = 0; AddToLocation.Y = 1; AddToLocation.Z = 0; AttemptMove(CurrentPiece,AddToLocation); return False; } else If ( Key ~= "IK_Left" && ( Action == "IST_Press" || Action == "IST_Hold" ) ) { AddToLocation.X = -1; AddToLocation.Y = 0; AddToLocation.Z = 0; AttemptMove(CurrentPiece,AddToLocation); LoudSound(sound'movepiece'); return False; } else If ( Key ~= "IK_Right" && ( Action == "IST_Press" || Action == "IST_Hold" ) ) { AddToLocation.X = 1; AddToLocation.Y = 0; AddToLocation.Z = 0; AttemptMove(CurrentPiece,AddToLocation); LoudSound(sound'movepiece'); return False; } else if ( key ~= "IK_LeftMouse" && Action == "IST_Press" ) { LoudSound(sound'RotPiece'); CurrentPiece.Rotate(True); return False; } else if ( key ~= "IK_RightMouse" && Action == "IST_Press" ) { LoudSound(sound'RotPiece'); CurrentPiece.Rotate(False); return False; } } } Return True; } function RenderGamePre(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; if ( Background != None ) { c.setpos(gridroot.x,gridroot.y); c.style = 3; c.drawtile( Background , CoordLength*10, CoordLength*18,0,0, 512 , 512 ); c.style = 1; } c.setpos( GridRoot.X-32, GridRoot.Y-32 ); C.drawtile( texture'b4mldngb',(CoordLength*10)+64,32,0,0, (XCA.CanvasclipX * 0.7)-((XCA.CanvasclipX * 0.7)%128), 32 ); c.SetPos( GridRoot.X-32, GridRoot.Y+(CoordLength*18) ); C.drawtile( texture'b4mldngb',(CoordLength*10)+64,32,0,0, (XCA.CanvasclipX * 0.7)-((XCA.CanvasclipX * 0.7)%128), 32 ); C.Setpos( Gridroot.X-32, GridRoot.Y ); C.DrawTile( texture'sAwning1', 32, (CoordLength*18),0,0, 64, (CoordLength*18)-((CoordLength*18)%128)); C.Setpos( Gridroot.X + (CoordLength*10), GridRoot.Y ); C.DrawTile( texture'sAwning1', 32, (CoordLength*18),0,0, 64, (CoordLength*18)-((CoordLength*18)%128)); /*(3*XCA.CanvasClipX)/5) - (XCA.CanvasClipX/10), 2*(XCA.CanvasclipY/5)*/ C.font = font'LargeFont'; c.Drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("green"); c.StRLEN("TETRIS",xl,yl); C.SetPos( ((2*XCA.CanvasClipX)/3) - (XL/2), XCA.canvasclipy/4 - ( YL/2) ); c.drawtext("TETRIS",True); c.font = font'medfont'; c.drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("orange"); C.STRLEN("Music Type",xl,yl); C.SetPos((2*XCA.CanvasClipX)/3 - ( XL/2 ), XCA.canvasclipy/4 + (YL/2) + 3*(XCA.canvasclipy/100) ); C.drawtext("Music Type",True); c.Drawcolor = c.default.drawcolor; c.font = c.default.font; //(2*XCA.CanvasClipX)/3 - 2*(XCA.CanvasClipX/102) } function RenderGamePost(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; If ( GetStateName() == 'GameOver') { c.font = font'largefont'; C.Strlen("GAME OVER",xl,yl); c.SetPos( Gridroot.X + (Coordlength*5) - (XL/2), GridRoot.Y + (CoordLength*3)); c.drawtext("GAME OVER"); C.Strlen("FINAL SCORE "$Score,xl,yl); c.SetPos( Gridroot.X + (Coordlength*5) - (XL/2), GridRoot.Y + (CoordLength*9)); c.drawtext("FINAL SCORE "$Score); } } function AttemptMove(TetrisPiece Other, Vector DesiredLocationUpdate) // Attempt to move. Returns True if the move is valid, false if not. Iterate through blocks and check // each one to see if it can move down or not. { local int i,s,b; local int J; local int DesiredX,DesiredY; // First see if the piece will hit a boundry. For ( i = 0; i < 4; i++ ) { If (Other.Blocks[i].Block != None ) { DesiredX = (DesiredLocationUpdate.X + Other.MyCoords.X + Other.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.X); Desiredy = (DesiredLocationUpdate.Y + Other.MyCoords.Y + Other.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.Y); If ( DesiredX > 9 || DesiredX < 0 ) // Did it go out of the X bounds? return; // Don't move Else if ( desiredy > 17 ) // Did it go out of the Y bounds? { Other.Collide(); return; // Stop all movement } } } // If not, see if it will hit occupied squares. For ( S = 0; S < 10; S++ ) { For ( J = 0; J < 18; J++ ) { if ( Coord[s].y[j].bOccupied ) // This is an occupied square. { For ( B = 0; B < 4; B++ ) // Look through the Blocks attached to this piece. { If ( Other.Blocks[B].Block != None ) // If the reference is not null, continue. { If ( (Other.Blocks[B].RelativeCoords.X)+(Other.MyCoords.X)+(DesiredLocationUpdate.X) == S ) // Hit occ. square If ( Other.Blocks[b].RelativeCoords.Y + Other.MyCoords.Y + DesiredLocationUpdate.Y == J ) { If ( DesiredLocationUpdate.Y > 0 ) // Block was trying to move down; Stop movement. { Other.Collide(); Return; } else // Block was trying to move horizontally. Do not allow it. { Return; } } } } } } } // Update. Other.MyCoords.X += DesiredLocationUpdate.X; Other.MyCoords.Y += DesiredLocationUpdate.Y; return; } function bool ValidateRotation( tetrispiece Other ) { local int i,s,b,NewX,NewY; // Check to see if we should allow or disallow a rotation. for ( i =0; i < 4; i++ ) { If ( Other.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.X + Other.MyCoords.X > 9 || Other.Blocks[i].relativecoords.x + other.mycoords.x < 0 ) Return False; else if ( Other.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.Y + Other.MyCoords.Y > 17 || Other.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.Y + Other.MyCoords.Y < 0 ) Return False; } For ( i=0; i<10; i++ ) { For ( s = 0; s < 18; s++ ) { If ( Coord[i].Y[s].bOccupied ) { For ( b = 0; b < 4; b++ ) { NewX = (Other.Blocks[b].RelativeCoords.x + Other.MyCoords.X); NewY = (Other.Blocks[b].relativecoords.y + Other.mycoords.y); If ( NewX == I && NewY == S ) // Rotating into another block? Not on my watch. { Return False; } } } } } Return True; // Ready to go! } function AddOccupiedSquares( tetrispiece Fallen ) // Called when the piece has stopped moving. { local int i; Switch(Fallen.Class) { Case( class'LeftSPiece' ): Score+=10; break; Case( Class'LPiece' ): Score += 14; break; Case( Class'LPiece2' ): Score += 14; Break; Case( class'PlusPiece' ): Score += 8; break; Case( Class'RightSPiece' ): Score += 10; break; Case( class'Squarepiece' ): Score += 6; break; Case( class'StraightPiece'): score+=8; break; } For( i =0; i<4; i++ ) { If ( Fallen.Blocks[i].Block != None ) Coord[ Fallen.MyCoords.X + Fallen.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.X ].Y[ Fallen.MyCoords.Y + Fallen.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.Y ].bOccupied = True; // Occupy new squares. //Log("Occupying new square ["$Fallen.MyCoords.X + Fallen.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.X$"]["$Fallen.MyCoords.Y + Fallen.Blocks[i].RelativeCoords.Y$"]"); } CheckForLines(); } function CheckForLines() { local int X,Y,Count,C; local int Numlinesclearedatonce; For ( Y = 0; Y < 18; Y++ ) { Count=0; For ( X = 0; X < 10; X++ ) { If ( Coord[X].Y[Y].bOccupied ) Count++; } If ( Count == 10 ) { CompletedLine(Y); NumLinesClearedAtOnce++; } } If ( NumLinesClearedatOnce == 4 ) // Bonus points! { Lines += 4; Score += 800; if ( !AdjustDifficulty() ) LoudSound(sound'compbonus'); else SendLevelBonus(); } else if ( NumLinesClearedatOnce > 0 ) { Lines += NumLinesClearedAtOnce; SendLinesBonus(); Score += (Numlinesclearedatonce*100); LoudSound(sound'CompletedLine'); if( AdjustDifficulty() ) SendLevelBonus(); } else xca.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'AmbAncient.Tilehit3'); } function bool AdjustDifficulty() { local float NewSpeed; If ( DifficultyLevel == 1337 ) return false; If ( (Lines/10) >= (DifficultyLevel) ) { If ( DifficultyLevel != 10 ) { LoudSound(sound'compbonus'); DifficultyLevel++; } Else DifficultyLevel = 1337; XCA.Myplayer.ClientInstantFlash( -0.4, vect(650, 450, 190)); Switch(DifficultyLevel) { Case(2): setticktime(0.71); break; case(3): setticktime(0.66); Background = texture'Xfx.darkshield'; break; case(4): setticktime(0.55); break; case(5): setticktime(0.47); Background = texture'Xfx.Brainwave'; break; case(6): setticktime(0.41); break; case(7): setticktime(0.33); Background = texture'mandarin'; break; case(8): setticktime(0.25); break; case(9): Background = texture'Xfx.pinkpink'; setticktime(0.19); break; case(10): Background = texture'Xfx.flareZw'; setticktime(0.15); break; Case(1337): Background = texture'alfafx.Lion3'; SetTickTime(0.10); Break; } return True; } } function CompletedLine(int Row) { local int i,p,r,c,N; For ( i = 0; i < 180; i++ ) // First, remove the rendered blocks. { If ( PieceList[i] != None ) { For ( p = 0; p < 4; p++ ) { If ( PieceList[i].Blocks[p].Block != None ) { If ( PieceList[i].Blocks[p].RelativeCoords.Y + PieceList[i].MyCoords.Y == Row ) { PieceList[i].Blocks[p].Block = None; PieceList[i].BlockCount--; If ( PieceList[i].BlockCount <= 0 ) XCA.RemoveIcon(PieceList[i]); } else if ( PieceList[i].Blocks[p].RelativeCoords.Y + PieceList[i].MyCoords.Y < Row ) { PieceList[i].Blocks[p].RelativeCoords.Y++; } } } } else break; } For ( R = Row; r > -1; r-- ) { For ( C = 0; c < 10; c++ ) { If ( R == 0 ) { Coord[C].Y[R].bOccupied = False; break; } Else { Coord[C].Y[R].boccupied = Coord[C].Y[R-1].bOccupied; } } } For ( I = 0; I < 180; I++ ) { CheckAgain: If ( PieceList[i] != None ) { If ( PieceList[i].BlockCount <= 0) // This piece is no longer in play; remove it from the piece list. { For ( N = i; N < 180; N++ ) { If ( N == 179 ) { PieceList[N] = None; PieceIndex--; break; } else if ( PieceList[N+1] != None ) { PieceList[N] = PieceList[N+1]; } else { PieceList[N] = None; PieceIndex--; break; } } Goto 'CheckAgain'; // Altered the piece list (now the current "i" equals the next in the list, so check this new reference) } } else break; } } function Vector GetCanvasCoords( int XC, int YC ) { local float xcoord,ycoord; local vector b; xCoord = ( XC * CoordLength ) + GridRoot.X; yCoord = ( YC * CoordLength ) + GridRoot.Y; b.x=xcoord; b.y=ycoord; return b; } /*simulated function UnregisterPiece( TetrisPiece Victim ) // FIXME - for some reason Piece Index is not being decremented! { local int i,Index; For ( i = 0; i < 180; i++ ) { If ( PieceList[i] != None ) { If ( PieceList[i] == Victim ) { Index = 1; break; // Found it! } else Index = -1; } else return; } if ( Index == -1 ) Return; For ( i = Index; i < 180; i++ ) { If ( i == 179 ) { PieceList[i] = none; PieceIndex--; return; } else If ( PieceList[i+1] != None ) // If the next in the list is not none, Piecelist[i] = PieceList[i+1]; // Set this reference to the next Else { PieceList[i] = None; // Otherwise, we are at the end of the list, so delete this reference (since we shortened the list) PieceIndex--; Return; } } }*/ Ddv3:!t! LG5D @HRIFF@SWAVEfmt DXdataS      ((((((((( ((((((((((((((((( (((((((((<<<<<<<<<222222222 ((((((((<<<<<<<<((((((((((((((((   222222222<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<22222222 ((((((((  FFFFFFFFF2222222222(((((((((((((((( FFFFFFFF22222222  ((((((((( FFFFFFFFF22222222 <<<<<<<<((((((((  222222222<<<<<<<<< 22222222   222222222((((((((( 22222222   222222222 22222222     (((((((((22222222 222222222   22222222222222222 2222222222222222 ((((((((  222222222(((((((((22222222222222222 ((((((((  ((((((((( ((((((((((((((((   ((((((((( 222222222(((((((((((((((((  ((((((((222222222((((((((         (((((((((  (((((((((22222222((((((((((((((((((  (((((((((222222222((((((((((((((((( (((((((((22222222 ((((((((22222222<<<<<<<<2222222222222222(((((((( <<<<<<<<<222222222 (((((((((<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<22222222(((((((( 222222222<<<<<<<<<22222222((((((((<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<22222222(((((((( <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<(((((((( (((((((((<<<<<<<<FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF22222222222222222  <<<<<<<<FFFFFFFF22222222 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Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 2; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 3; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ) { local bool bUndidRotation; UndoRotateMove: If ( Rotation == RT_Top ) { Swap(); Inverse(True); Rotation = RT_Right; } Else { Swap(); Inverse(False); Rotation = RT_Top; } If ( !bUndidRotation ) If ( !Minigame.ValidateRotation(Self) ) GoTo 'UndoRotation'; bUndidRotation = False; return; UndoRotation: bClockwise = !bClockwise; bUndidRotation = True; GoTo 'UndoRotateMove'; } {'Z -R% %* J-bl i2 333??,6?,6?, 8D aP2_/-f' ~//============================================================================= // StartGameQuestion. //============================================================================= class StartGameQuestion expands BasicButton; var ShootingGallery MiniGame; simulated function renderme(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; If ( !BIsPressed ) { C.SetPos(X,Y); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5); } Else { C.SetPos(X+8,Y+8); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5*0.75); } c.font = font'MEDFONT'; C.StrLen("START",xl,yl); C.SetPos((X+32)-(xl/2),(Y+32)-(yl/2)); C.DrawText("START"); c.Reset(); } simulated function PressedEvent( bool bLeftClicked, bool bReleasedClick,optional float GUIX, optional float GUIY) { if ( bStickMouse && !bReleasedClick ) XCA.bStuckMouse = True; Else if ( bStickMouse && bReleasedClick ) XCA.bStuckMouse = False; if ( bLeftClicked ) { if ( bIsPressed && breleasedclick || !bispressed && !bReleasedClick ) { if ( bIsPressed ) { UnClickEvent(); } Else bIsPressed = True; } } } function UnClickEvent() { Minigame.BeginGame(); XCA.RemoveButton(Self); } p%/66<5?Fv?"??% O80.6 NQ`L'.ChangeMusic xMinigames.DKC2MINEn, scS W.a H$C(B?  TX //============================================================================= // SquarePiece. // // [][] // [][] //============================================================================= class SquarePiece expands TetrisPiece; function SetInitialBlocks() { maxX = 2; MaxY = 2; Blocks[0].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 1; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ); // This crap doesn't rotate! vQH50.pChangeMusic VL sW[A o@>,pFinished Shooting Gallery with a score of S-spGame over at Us-f'-j(/_ l*g //============================================================================= // SongButton. //============================================================================= class SongButton expands TetrisOCB; var Music NewSong; var string ButtonName; var float XL,YL; simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,Vector Loc) { XCA.MyPlayer.ConsoleCommand("ChangeMusic "$NewSong); } simulated function renderme(canvas c) { c.font = font'smallfont'; c.drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("blue"); c.strlen(ButtonName,XL,YL); c.setPos( X , Y); c.drawtext(buttonname,True); c.font = c.default.font; c.drawcolor = c.default.drawcolor; } simulated function xconsolebutton validatepress(float mx, float my, bool bleftclick,bool breleased) { if ( MX > X && MX < (X + XL) && MY > Y && MY < (Y + yl)) return self; } }*<c\.Q` Q @?,?, @?,'?'\tf.YK Y @?,@?,'?'fnc.3` 3 @?,?, @?,'?'v. c @?,?,?,f?,?,2'>'vTSong AvW ^h. c @?,?,?,f?,?,2'>'hTSong BhW Pr. c @?,?,?,f?,?,2'>'rTSong CrW M bkd(?Ta !"-f()q!a ! <fV>'gg%a?(%q! #@//============================================================================= // ShootingGallery. //============================================================================= class ShootingGallery expands xMiniGame Config(xMiniGameRecords); var Music OldMusic; #EXEC OBJ IMPORT STANDALONE TYPE=MUSIC FILE="C:\UGServer\xminigames\Music\DKC2Mine.it" NAME=dkc2mine PACKAGE="xMiniGames" #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Textures\SkyCity.utx PACKAGE=SkyCity #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Textures\skybox.utx PACKAGE=SkyBox #exec OBJ LOAD FILE=..\Textures\xfx.utx PACKAGE=xfx #EXEC TEXTURE IMPORT FILE=C:\Ugserver\xMinigames\textures\gal.bmp NAME=GalrBKG #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\Ugserver\xMinigames\Sounds\EndGame.wav NAME=xEndGame #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\Ugserver\xMinigames\Sounds\Hit2.wav NAME=xHit2 #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\Ugserver\xMinigames\Sounds\Hit1.wav NAME=xHit1 #EXEC AUDIO IMPORT FILE=C:\Ugserver\xMinigames\Sounds\Hit3.wav NAME=xHit3 var Config Int HighScore[5]; // Save 5 best scores. var float LastFire; // Last time player fired var Int Score; // Player's score. var Int AmmoLeft; // Ammo remaining. var Int TargetSpawnIndex; // What type of targets are we spawning? var Int TargetSpawnIndex2; // Second row. var int Row; var int Row2; var Int GroupTargets; var Int GroupTargets2; var int NewGroupPause; // After a group finishes, how long should there be a pause until spawning the next group? var Int NewGroupPause2; var bool bGameOver; var float GameEndTime; // When did the game end? var bool bGameStart,bNetGame; var Int Difficulty; // How tough can things get?! var int TimeLeft; var int FinalScore; var StartGameQuestion Question; var HostGameQuestion Question2; var DifficultyArea StartupSlider; var ExitGameQuestion EX; function TickActors() { local int i; local vector SpawnLoc,SpawnVelo; ticks++; If ( AmmoLeft <= 0 ) { EndGame(); } // Row 1 NewGroupPause--; If ( Ticks % 10 == 0 && NewGroupPause <= 0 ) // Every 10 ticks, spawn a target. { If ( GroupTargets == 0 ) // Create a new group? { TargetSpawnIndex = Int(FRand()*7); // Choose a random new group. CheckNewRow: Row = Int(FRand()*4); If ( Row == Row2 ) GoTo 'CheckNewRow'; } Switch(Row) { Case(0): SpawnLoc.x = 0.9*XCA.CanvasClipX; SpawnLoc.Y = 0.3*XCA.CanvasclipY; SpawnVelo.X = -15; break; Case(1): SpawnLoc.x = 0.032*XCA.CanvasClipX+32; SpawnLoc.Y = 0.5*XCA.CanvasClipY; spawnvelo.x = 10; break; Case(2): SpawnLoc.x = 0.9*XCA.CanvasClipX; SpawnLoc.Y = 0.7*XCA.CanvasClipY; SpawnVelo.X = -13; break; } SpawnVelo.Y = 0; generatetarget(SpawnLoc,SpawnVelo,False); } // Row 2 NewGroupPause2--; If ( Ticks % 15 == 0 && NewGroupPause2 <= 0 ) // Every 15 ticks, spawn a target. { If ( GroupTargets2 == 0 ) // Create a new group? { TargetSpawnIndex2 = Int(FRand()*7); // Choose a random new group. CheckNewRow2: Row2 = Int(FRand()*4); If ( Row == Row2 ) GoTo 'CheckNewRow2'; } Switch(Row2) { Case(0): SpawnLoc.X = 0.032*XCA.CanvasClipX+32; SpawnLoc.Y = 0.3*XCA.CanvasclipY; SpawnVelo.X = 15; break; Case(1): SpawnLoc.x = 0.9*XCA.CanvasClipX; SpawnLoc.Y = 0.5*XCA.CanvasClipY; SpawnVelo.X = -10; break; Case(2): SpawnLoc.x = 0.032*XCA.CanvasClipX+32; SpawnLoc.Y = 0.7*XCA.CanvasClipY; SpawnVelo.X = 13; break; } SpawnVelo.Y = 0; generatetarget(SpawnLoc,SpawnVelo,True); } For ( i=0; i < 250; i++ ) { If ( Ticklist[i] != none ) { Ticklist[i].MinigameTick(); } else return; } } function ClearTickList() { local int i; TickIndex = 0; for ( i = 0; i < 250; i++ ) { If ( Ticklist[i] != none ) { Ticklist[i] = None; } else return; } } function EndGame() { XCA.destroyAllButtons(); ClearTickList(); bGameOver = True; } function RegisterHit(GalleryTarget Target) { Switch( Target.Class ) { Case(Class'AmmoTarget'): AmmoLeft += 5; XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); break; Case(Class'HealthTarget'): Score -= 3; break; Case(Class'MarioTarget'): Score += 3; break; Case(Class'MoonTarget'): Score++; break; Case(Class'NoteTarget'): Score++; break; Case(class'TimeTarget'): TimeLeft += 7; XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); break; Default: Score+=2; break; } } function PostLoad() { OldMusic = XCA.MyPlayer.Song; XCA.MyConsole.ConsoleCommand("ChangeMusic xMinigames.DKC2MINE"); AmmoLeft = 30; } function PreClose() { XCA.MyConsole.ConsoleCommand("ChangeMusic "$OldMusic); } function RenderGamePre(canvas C) { //c.setpos(0,0); //c.drawtile(texture'blacktexture',xca.canvasclipx,xca.canvasclipy,0,0,1,1); } function RenderGamePost(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; local string DifStr; local int i; c.setpos(0,0); c.bnosmooth = true; c.style = 3; // masked c.drawtile(texture'galrbkg',xca.canvasclipx,xca.canvasclipy,0,0,1024,512); c.style = 1; C.Font = Font'largefont'; c.setpos(3,3); c.drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.Getcolor("blue"); C.DrawText("UNREAL SHOOTING GALLERY",True); If ( bGameStart ) { c.drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.Getcolor("green"); C.SetPos((C.ClipX)/20, ((C.ClipY)*8.7)/10 ); c.font=font'BIGFONT'; c.DrawText( "SCORE"@Score,False ); C.SetPos((C.ClipX)/20, ((C.ClipY)*9.2)/10 ); C.DrawText( "AMMO LEFT"@AmmoLeft ); C.Strlen("TIME REMAINING "$String(TimeLeft),xl,yl); C.SetPos( (C.ClipX * 0.959375)-12-xl, (C.ClipY * 0.855890) ); C.DrawText("TIME REMAINING "$String(TimeLeft)); } Else if ( !bGameOver ) { C.Font=Font'Smallfont'; c.STRLEN("Choose your skill level!",XL,YL); C.SetPos( (xca.canvasclipx/2)-(XL/2), (xca.canvasclipy/2)-(YL/2)+(XCA.CanvasClipY/8)-16 ); C.drawcolor = C.Default.Drawcolor; C.Drawtext("Choose your skill level!"); If ( Difficulty <= 3 ) DifStr = "Easy"; else if ( Difficulty <= 6 ) DifStr = "Moderate"; else if ( Difficulty <= 9 ) DifStr = "Difficult"; else DifStr = "Hell on wheels x3"; C.STRLEN( DifStr, XL,YL ); Switch(DifStr) { Case("Easy"): C.DrawColor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("Cyan"); break; Case("Moderate"): C.Drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("Green"); break; Case("Difficult"): C.Drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("Yellow"); break; Case("Hell on wheels x3"): C.Drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("RED"); break; Default: c.drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("Gray"); break; } C.Setpos( (xca.canvasclipx/2)-(XL/2), (xca.Canvasclipy/2)-(yl/2)+(XCA.CanvasClipY/8)-8 ); C.Drawtext( DifStr , True); } else if ( bGameOver ) { c.font = font'bigfont'; c.DrawColor = C.default.drawcolor; c.STRLEN("HIGH SCORES",xl,yl); c.setpos( ((C.clipX)/2)-(xl/2), (C.ClipY)/4 - (yl/2) ); c.drawtext("HIGH SCORES"); c.font = font'medfont'; For ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) { if ( (Level.TimeSeconds-GameEndTime)/(0.5) < i ) Break; if ( i == 0 ) { c.font = font'LargeFont'; c.drawcolor = class'xconsolegui'.static.getcolor("red"); } else { c.font = font'medfont'; c.drawcolor = c.default.drawcolor; } c.setpos( ((C.clipX)/2)-(xl/2), (i*(c.ClipY/12))+(C.ClipY/3)); C.DrawText("["$i+1$"] "$String(HighScore[i]),True); } } c.reset(); } //=========================================================================================================== // Target generation //=========================================================================================================== function NormalTarget(vector Loc, vector Velo, bool browtwo) { local GalleryTarget G; G = galleryTarget(AddTickButton(class'GalleryTarget',texture'chkunchecked',loc.X-16,loc.y-16,true,2,False)); G.xVelo.X = Velo.x; G.xVelo.Y = velo.y; if ( !browtwo ) { GroupTargets++; If ( GroupTargets >= 10 ) // Spawn 10 in one group, then switch to a new group. { GroupTargets = 0; newgrouppause = 3; } return; } GroupTargets2++; If ( GroupTargets2 >= 5 ) { GroupTargets2 = 0; newgrouppause2 = 3; } } function MarioTarget(vector Loc, vector Velo, bool browtwo) { local MarioTarget M; M = MarioTarget(AddTickButton(class'Mariotarget',texture'MarioIcon',Loc.X-32,Loc.Y-32,True,1,False)); M.Xvelo.X = Velo.X; M.XVelo.Y = Velo.Y; if ( !browtwo ) { GroupTargets = 0; // No group. Spawn one and then spawn some new group. NewGroupPause = 8; // Pause for 40 ticks until spawning next group. } else { grouptargets2 = 0; newgrouppause2 = 8; } } function HealthTarget(vector Loc, vector Velo, bool browtwo) { local HealthTarget m; M = HealthTarget(AddTickButton(class'healthtarget',texture'I_Health',Loc.X-32,Loc.Y-32,True,2,False)); M.Xvelo.X = Velo.X; M.XVelo.Y = Velo.Y; If ( !browtwo) { GroupTargets++; If ( GroupTargets >= 3 ) { GroupTargets = 0; NewGroupPause = 5; } return; } GroupTargets2++; If ( GroupTargets2 >= 2 ) { GroupTargets2 = 0; Newgrouppause2 = 5; } } function MoonTarget(vector Loc, vector Velo, bool browtwo) { local MoonTarget m; m = MoonTarget(AddTickButton(class'MoonTarget',texture'skybox.Rpl',Loc.X-32,Loc.Y-32,true,0.5,False)); m.xVelo.X = Velo.x; m.xVelo.Y = velo.y; If ( !bRowTwo) { GroupTargets++; If ( GroupTargets >= 7 ) { GroupTargets = 0; newgrouppause = 4; } return; } grouptargets2++; if ( grouptargets2 >= 4 ) { GroupTargets2 = 0; newgrouppause2 = 4; } } function AmmoTarget(vector Loc, vector Velo, bool browtwo) { local ammotarget a; a = AmmoTarget(AddTickButton(class'AmmoTarget',texture'I_RIFLEAMMO',Loc.X-32,Loc.Y-32,true,2,False)); a.xVelo.X = Velo.x; a.xVelo.Y = velo.y; if ( !browtwo ) { GroupTargets = 0; // No group. Spawn one and then spawn some new group. newgrouppause = 10; } else { grouptargets2 = 0; newgrouppause2 = 10; } } function TimeTarget(vector Loc,vector Velo, bool browtwo) { local TimeTarget t; t = timeTarget(AddTickButton(class'timeTarget',texture'I_Boots',Loc.X-32,Loc.Y-32,true,2,False)); t.xVelo.X = Velo.x; t.xVelo.Y = velo.y; if ( !browtwo ) { GroupTargets = 0; // No group. Spawn one and then spawn some new group. newgrouppause = 10; } else { grouptargets2 = 0; newgrouppause2 = 10; } } function aNoteTarget(vector Loc,vector velo,bool browtwo) { local notetarget N; N = NoteTarget(Addtickbutton(class'notetarget',texture'NoteBlock',Loc.X-32,Loc.Y-32,True,4,False)); N.xvelo.x = velo.x; n.xvelo.y = velo.y; if ( !BROWTWO ) { GroupTargets++; If ( GroupTargets >= 8 ) { GroupTargets = 0; newgrouppause = 4; } return; } grouptargets2++; if ( GroupTargets2 >= 5 ) { GroupTargets2 = 0; NewgroupPause2 = 4; } } function GenerateTarget(vector Loc,vector Velo,bool bRowTwo) { If ( XCA.ButtonCount >= 49 ) Return; Switch(TargetSpawnIndex) { Case(0): HealthTarget(Loc,Velo,bRowTwo); break; Case(1): MoonTarget(loc,velo,browtwo); break; Case(2): If ( FRand() < 0.5 ) MarioTarget(loc,velo,bRowTwo); break; Case(3): If ( FRand() < 0.3 ) // It's unlikely to spawn extra Ammotargets or TimeTargets. AmmoTarget(loc,velo,bRowTwo); break; Case(4): If ( Frand() < 0.3 ) TimeTarget(loc,velo,bRowTwo); break; Case(5): aNoteTarget(loc,velo,bRowTwo); break; Case(6): NormalTarget(loc,velo,bRowTwo); break; } } //=========================================================================================================== // States and probe functions //=========================================================================================================== simulated function bool ProcessInput(int KeyNum,int ActionNum,float Delta) { Super.ProcessInput(keynum,actionnum,delta); if (!bGameStart||bGameOver) Return True; // At game start or end anything goes! Don't waste ammo that isn't even in play... else If ( (Key ~= "IK_LeftMouse" || Key ~= "IK_RightMouse") && Action ~= "IST_Press" ) { If ( level.timeseconds - 1 > LastFire ) // allow 1 shot per second. { LastFire = Level.TimeSeconds; AmmoLeft--; PlayRifleSound(); return True; } return False; } Return True; } function PlayRifleSound() { XCA.MyPlayer.playsound(sound'rifleshot',,40,False,32,1.1); } function CreateInitialbuttons() { StartupSlider = DifficultyArea(XCA.CreateSlider(class'Difficultyarea',texture'newRed',((XCA.CanvasclipX)/2)-(XCA.CanvasclipX/8), ((XCA.CanvasClipY/2)+(XCA.CanvasClipY/8)), (XCA.CanvasclipX/4),14,10,1,texture'NewGold',class'xconsolegui'.static.getRGB(255,32,32),4,32,False,class'xconsolegui'.static.GETRGB(32,255,32))); StartupSlider.bDrawValue = False; StartupSlider.Minigame = Self; Question2 = HostGameQuestion(XCA.CreateButton(class'hostgamequestion',texture'SkyCity.Runes2',(XCA.CanvasClipX/2)+32, (XCA.CanvasclipY/2)-(xca.canvasclipy/8),True,0.5,True)); Question2.MiniGame=Self; Question = StartGameQuestion(XCA.CreateButton(class'startgamequestion',texture'SkyCity.Runes2',(XCA.CanvasClipX/2)-32, (XCA.CanvasclipY/2)-(xca.canvasclipy/8),True,0.5,True)); Question.MiniGame=Self; } function RemoveInitialButtons() // After hitting the "Start" or "Host" button, get rid of the initial buttons. { If ( Question2 != None ) XCA.RemoveButton(Question2); if ( Question != None ) XCA.RemoveButton(Question); XCA.RemoveButton(StartupSlider); // Get rid of that slider. } function CreateEndgameButtons() { ex = ExitGameQuestion(XCA.CreateButton(class'exitGameQuestion',texture'SkyCity.Runes2',(XCA.CanvasClipX/8)-32, ((3*XCA.CanvasclipY)/4)-(xca.canvasclipy/8),True,0.5,True)); ex.MiniGame=Self; Question = EndGameQuestion(XCA.CreateButton(class'Endgamequestion',texture'SkyCity.Runes2',(XCA.CanvasClipX/4)-32, ((3*XCA.CanvasclipY)/4)-(xca.canvasclipy/8),True,0.5,True)); Question.MiniGame=Self; } function BeginGame() { XCA.MyPlayer.ClientPlaySound(sound'xHit1'); Gotostate('Ticking'); } function AdjustDifficulty(float Percent) { Difficulty = Int( Percent*10 ); } Auto state GameStart { function BeginState() { Score = 0; Difficulty = 0; AmmoLeft = 30; Ticks = 0; bGameOver = False; bGameStart = False; if ( Ex != None ) // Is this a relaunched game? If so, kill the old quit button. XCA.RemoveButton(EX); } Begin: Sleep(0.1); // Give time to set properties, such as XCA. bGameStart = False; // Game has not started yet. CreateInitialButtons(); } state Ticking { Function BeginState() { Log("Starting game 'ShootingGallery' on difficulty"@Difficulty); bGameStart = True; // Game started! RemoveInitialButtons(); TimeLeft = 60; If ( Difficulty == 10 ) SetTickTime(0.01); else if ( Difficulty == 9) SetTickTime(0.03); else if ( Difficulty == 8) SetTickTime(0.04); else if ( difficulty == 7) Setticktime(0.06); else if ( difficulty == 6) setticktime(0.09); else if ( difficulty == 5 ) setticktime(0.11); else if ( difficulty == 4 ) setticktime( 0.13 ); else if ( difficulty == 3 ) setticktime( 0.15 ); else if ( difficulty == 2 ) setticktime( 0.2 ); else setticktime( 0.25 ); SetTimer(1.0,false); } function Timer() { TimeLeft--; if ( TimeLeft > 0 ) settimer(1.0,false); else { Gotostate('GameOver'); } } Begin: Sleep(InitialLoadupTime); Goto('TickGame'); TickGame: If ( !bGameOver ) TickActors(); Else Gotostate('GameOver'); Sleep(TickTime); Goto('TickGame'); } state GameOver { Function BeginState() { SetTickTime(0.33); Difficulty = 5; Log("Finished Shooting Gallery with a score of "$Score); GameEndTime = Level.TimeSeconds; Log("Game over at "$GameEndTime); bGameOver = True; bGameStart = False; ClearTickList(); // Aaah! Game over. Reset the ticking actor list. XCA.DestroyAllButtons(); // Get rid of all those buttons that were in play. } function CheckHighScores() { local int i,Index,Temp; For ( i = 0; i < 5; i++ ) // reference [0] is highest, [4] is lowest { If ( Score > HighScore[i] ) { Index = i; break; } else Index = -1; } if ( Index == -1 ) Return; For ( I = Index; i < 5; i++ ) { if ( I >= 5 )Return; Temp = highscore[i]; highscore[i] = Score; Score=Temp; } SaveConfig(); } Begin: XCA.MyPlayer.ClientPlaySound(sound'xEndGame'); // do do do di, do do do di! dee... CheckHighScores(); Sleep(2.5); CreateEndgameButtons(); Goto('Ticking'); Ticking: Sleep(TickTime); // keep doing ticks, but don't spawn stuff Goto('Ticking'); } State ServerGameWaiting { Ignores ClientIsAccepted,ClientIsDenyed,SendHostRequest; // Do not do this on server function BeginState() { bNetGame = True; } } ;OStarting game 'ShootingGallery' on difficultyS-j'Lg,<i,  #<D, <D, #=D,u=D,Q=D,G=D,>D,>D9,L>D>a?( ]Wh P1.pChangeMusic VW iA//============================================================================= // RightSPiece. // // [] // [][] // [] //============================================================================= class RightSPiece expands TetrisPiece; function SetInitialBlocks() { MaxX = 2; MaxY = 2; Blocks[0].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.X = 2; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 2; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 1; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 2; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ) { local bool bUndidRotation; UndoRotateMove: If ( Rotation == RT_Top ) { Swap(); Inverse(False); Rotation = RT_Right; } Else { Swap(); Inverse(True); Rotation = RT_Top; } If ( !bUndidRotation ) If ( !Minigame.ValidateRotation(Self) ) GoTo 'UndoRotation'; bUndidRotation = False; return; UndoRotation: bClockwise = !bClockwise; bUndidRotation = True; GoTo 'UndoRotateMove'; } nl=;(a=-j(Y 1:N-%%n,%-f(-j(Lw_* _ no{!r\9&  Uq! @//============================================================================= // PlusPiece. // // [] // [][][] //============================================================================= class PlusPiece expands TetrisPiece; Function SetInitialBlocks() { maxX = 2; MaxX = 2; Blocks[0].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 2; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ) { local bool bUndidRotation; UndoRotateMove: If ( bClockwise ) { Swap(); Inverse(True); } else { Swap(); Inverse(False); } If ( !bUndidRotation ) If ( !Minigame.ValidateRotation(Self) ) GoTo 'UndoRotation'; bUndidRotation = False; return; UndoRotation: bClockwise = !bClockwise; bUndidRotation = True; GoTo 'UndoRotateMove'; } C-:6&-(R8-60 GFDfdgas|All' ^//============================================================================= // NoteTarget. //============================================================================= class NoteTarget expands GalleryTarget; simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,vector Loc) { ShootingGallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RegisterHit(Self); Button=Newsprite; MakeSmokePuff(Loc); XCA.Myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit1'); DestroySelf(); } simulated function RenderMe(canvas Canvas) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); canvas.drawicon(button,4); } H //============================================================================= // MoonTarget. //============================================================================= class MoonTarget expands GalleryTarget; simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,vector Loc) { ShootingGallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RegisterHit(Self); Button=Newsprite; MakeSmokePuff(Loc); XCA.MyPlayer.clientplaysound(sound'xHit3'); DestroySelf(); } simulated function RenderMe(canvas Canvas) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); Canvas.Style = 3; canvas.drawicon(button,0.5); Canvas.SetPos(X,Y+10); Canvas.Font = Font'MedFont'; Canvas.DrawText("Hyper sucks!"); canvas.Style = 1; canvas.Font = Canvas.Default.font; } v//============================================================================= // MarioTarget. //============================================================================= class MarioTarget expands GalleryTarget; simulated function RenderMe(canvas Canvas) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); canvas.style = 3; canvas.drawicon(button,1); canvas.style = 1; } simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,vector Loc) { ShootingGallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RegisterHit(Self); MakeSmokePuff(Loc); XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xHit2'); DestroySelf(); } B//============================================================================= // LPiece2. // // [] // [] // [][] //============================================================================= class LPiece2 expands TetrisPiece; function SetInitialBlocks() { MaxX = 2; MaxX = 2; Blocks[0].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 2; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 0; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 2; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ) { local bool bUndidRotation; UndoRotateMove: If ( bClockwise ) { Swap(); Inverse(True); } else { Inverse(True); Swap(); } If ( !bUndidRotation ) If ( !Minigame.ValidateRotation(Self) ) GoTo 'UndoRotation'; bUndidRotation = False; return; UndoRotation: bClockwise = !bClockwise; bUndidRotation = True; GoTo 'UndoRotateMove'; } sR-_w\* \>wf* f]wc* c {//============================================================================= // LPiece. // // [] // [] // [][] //============================================================================= class LPiece expands TetrisPiece; function SetInitialBlocks() { MaxX = 2; MaxX = 2; Blocks[0].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 2; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 1; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 2; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ) { local bool bUndidRotation; UndoRotateMove: If ( bClockwise ) { Swap(); Inverse(True); } else { Inverse(True); Swap(); } If ( !bUndidRotation ) If ( !Minigame.ValidateRotation(Self) ) GoTo 'UndoRotation'; bUndidRotation = False; return; UndoRotation: bClockwise = !bClockwise; bUndidRotation = True; GoTo 'UndoRotateMove'; } //============================================================================= // LeftSPiece. // // [] // [][] // [] //============================================================================= class LeftSPiece expands TetrisPiece; function SetInitialBlocks() { maxX = 2; MaxY = 2; Blocks[0].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[0].RelativeCoords.Y = 0; Blocks[1].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.X = 0; Blocks[1].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[2].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.X = 1; Blocks[2].RelativeCoords.Y = 1; Blocks[3].Block = New(None) class'TetrisBlock'; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.x = 1; Blocks[3].RelativeCoords.Y = 2; } function Rotate( bool bClockwise ) { local bool bUndidRotation; UndoRotateMove: If ( Rotation == RT_Top ) { Swap(); Inverse(True); Rotation = RT_Right; } Else { Swap(); Inverse(False); Rotation = RT_Top; } If ( !bUndidRotation ) If ( !Minigame.ValidateRotation(Self) ) GoTo 'UndoRotation'; bUndidRotation = False; return; UndoRotation: bClockwise = !bClockwise; bUndidRotation = True; GoTo 'UndoRotateMove'; } ~Og7_.3^ 3 ?,?, @@?,?,'?'_^u.Z^ Z ?,?, @@?,?,'?'u^ ?R //============================================================================= // HostGameQuestion. //============================================================================= class HostGameQuestion expands StartGameQuestion; simulated function renderme(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; If ( !BIsPressed ) { C.SetPos(X,Y); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5); } Else { C.SetPos(X+8,Y+8); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5*0.75); } c.font = font'MEDFONT'; C.StrLen("HOST",xl,yl); C.SetPos((X+32)-(xl/2),(Y+32)-(yl/2)); C.DrawText("HOST"); c.Reset(); } function UnClickEvent() { Minigame.HostGame(); XCA.RemoveButton(Self); } a//============================================================================= // HealthTarget. //============================================================================= class HealthTarget expands GalleryTarget; simulated function RenderMe(canvas Canvas) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); canvas.drawicon(button,2); } simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,vector Loc) { ShootingGallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RegisterHit(Self); XCA.MyPlayer.playsound(sound'dontshootfood',SLOT_NONE,255,False,32,1.0); Button=texture'iconskull'; } DL^6Twh* h>wu* u L a//============================================================================= // GalleryTarget. //============================================================================= class GalleryTarget expands OnceClickButton; #EXEC Audio Import FILE=C:\Ugserver\xminigames\sounds\ShotTheFood.wav NAME=DontShootFood var texture NewSprite; simulated function RenderMe(canvas Canvas) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); canvas.drawicon(button,2); } simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,vector Loc) { ShootingGallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RegisterHit(Self); Button=Newsprite; MakeSmokePuff(Loc); DestroySelf(); } simulated function makesmokepuff(vector aLocation) { local XSmokepuff S; s=xsmokepuff(shootinggallery(XCA.LoadedGame).AddTickIcon(class'xSmokepuff',texture'sp1_a00',32,32,0,0,32,32,aLocation.X-16,alocation.Y-16,True)); s.xVelo.Y = -3; S.xVelo.X = 0; } simulated function PressedEvent( bool bLeftClicked, bool bReleasedClick,optional float GUIX, optional float GUIY) { local vector V; if ( !bReleasedClick ) { V.X = GUIX; V.Y = GUIY; V.Z = 0; Clicked(bLeftClicked,V); bPressable = False; } } simulated function MinigameTick() { X+= xVelo.X; Y+= xVelo.Y; if ( X < (0.031*XCA.CanvasClipX) || X+(Button.UClamp*Scale) > (XCA.CanvasclipX*(0.9632)) || Y+(Button.vClamp*Scale) < 0 || Y > XCA.canvasclipy ) DestroySelf(); } simulated function DestroySelf() { shootinggallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RemoveTickMember(Self); XCA.RemoveButton(Self); } //native(466) final function DrawTile( texture Tex, float XL, float YL, float U, float V, float UL, float VL ); b>X:-W'%+*%M%6 @L`  i //============================================================================= // ExitGameQuestion. //============================================================================= class ExitGameQuestion expands StartGameQuestion; simulated function renderme(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; If ( !BIsPressed ) { C.SetPos(X,Y); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5); } Else { C.SetPos(X+8,Y+8); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5*0.75); } c.font = font'MEDFONT'; C.StrLen("QUIT",xl,yl); C.SetPos((X+32)-(xl/2),(Y+32)-(yl/2)); C.DrawText("QUIT"); c.Reset(); } function UnClickEvent() { XCA.MyPlayer.Consolecommand("CloseGame"); XCA.RemoveButton(Self); } m //============================================================================= // EndGameQuestion. //============================================================================= class EndGameQuestion expands StartGameQuestion; simulated function renderme(canvas c) { local float xl,yl; If ( !BIsPressed ) { C.SetPos(X,Y); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5); } Else { C.SetPos(X+8,Y+8); C.DrawIcon(Button,0.5*0.75); } c.font = font'Smallfont'; C.StrLen("PLAY AGAIN",xl,yl); C.SetPos((X+32)-(xl/2),(Y+32)-(yl/2)); C.DrawText("PLAY AGAIN"); c.Reset(); } function UnclickEvent() { Minigame.Gotostate('GameStart'); xca.RemoveButton(Self); } IYM)3L.bJ b ?,?,?,?,?,`A A?  X=,$ $ @B( X$ =,$ L-(LCh.VW V ?,?, ?,?,'?'h^u.W  ?,?, ?,?,'?'u^ Y//============================================================================= // DifficultyArea. //============================================================================= class DifficultyArea expands SliderArea; var ShootingGallery Minigame; simulated function AdjustValue(float Percent) { Super.AdjustValue(Percent); if ( minigame != None ) Minigame.AdjustDifficulty(Percent); } L//============================================================================= // AmmoTarget. //============================================================================= class AmmoTarget expands GalleryTarget; simulated function RenderMe(canvas Canvas) { Canvas.SetPos(X,Y); canvas.drawicon(button,2); } simulated function Clicked(bool bLeft,vector Loc) { ShootingGallery(XCA.LoadedGame).RegisterHit(Self); MakeSmokePuff(Loc); XCA.myplayer.clientplaysound(sound'xhit2'); DestroySelf(); } \  &,l,6 %* 66%%66%%6 &* 66&%66&&6 ,* 66,&66,&6 ,* 66,&66,, wGH2-a   B(B̌? \  &,&,6 %* 66%%66%%6 &* 66&%66&&6 ,* 66,%66,,6 ,* 66,&66,, M!bm@ q! wQ]@,PxMinigames.SongA \  &,&,6 %* 66%&66%%6 &* 66&&66&&6 ,* 66,&66,,6 ,* 66,%66,, |\  &,&,6 %* 66%&66%%6 &* 66&%66&&6 ,* 66,&66,&6 ,* 66,,66,& \  &,l,6 %* 66%,66%%6 &* 66&,66&&6 ,* 66,&66,&6 ,* 66,&66,, $;y-' +*GFZX-65ILostGame(ww-60 HostLost( \ &,l,6 %* 66%%66%%6 &* 66&&66&%6 ,* 66,%66,&6 ,* 66,&66,& YSU5 \  &,l,6 %* 66%%66%%6 &* 66&&66&%6 ,* 66,,66,%6 ,* 66,,66,% e0.6I \Y#^i69(R, 6E6,  I6P69Z̾#"DC>C6 ,5? ,(?2  , ? ,ף>2  ,> ,>2  ',> E, 2 \B> c, 2 > 92 = ' \Mt RIFF!WAVEfmt DXdata!  qxXY//============================================================================= // HostGameQuestion2. //============================================================================= class HostGameQuestion2 expands HostGameQuestion; var tetris XMiniGame; function UnClickEvent() { XMinigame.HostGame(); XCA.RemoveButton(Self); } Tn $!n+ 8M1  `b5M@  @K+iS C-60 ' a_-'? $6WAwaiting for server acception-65' e')-R% %*-65' f-i2 333??,6?,6?, g+: h*dpc.3` 3 @?,?, @?,'?'v. c @?,?,?,f?,?,2'>'vTSong AvW ^h. c @?,?,?,f?,?,2'>'hTSong BhW Pr. c @?,?,?,f?,?,2'>'rTSong CrW M v8&6WAwaiting for game start Axas<2c,-60 pASetLines|SR(aa-65pppSetLines|S|SR( ^UG#[ n[L#$V(-65pImOut|S'TT-60 pServerClosed|S' mC&%VT-B6V@6V6V -CV-( Gm,2_*-60 pASetLev|S6']]-65pppSetLev|S|S6' I[/ Green F?,?,?,?,dapLEVEL S6,?,?,apLINES SRF?,?,?,?,dapPOINTS S "Game on!!! Gq3aa !*r+*S,%Q-69%6E,=-V'q!a( ! ht"5=$-60 -65 Y@?,?,?,f@?,?,@ 6$6=,6$aX-65Y@?,?,?,f@?,?,HaPlayers in the party:Y@?,?,?,f@?,?,P'6](Admin) Lines:S%6JLevel:S&6JX-6m''(OUT)a'%6$h@?,?,?,f@?,?,P?,&'6HLines:S6eLevel:S6Up:6J&''(OUT)a'p;Y@?,?,?,f@?,?,HaPlayers in the party:%;6G e@?,?,?,f@?,?,P?,'6i Lines:S6S Level:S6O  :6n &''(OUT)a' WJt&*- -N-'OO--N-(-t--N- -N--' u|S{?Pa@aa@ QVa @Y_-'$8a gDD$ @@@@ blueaUNREAL SHOOTING GALLERY'-j green3?,33 A?,  aѨSCORES-(3?,33A?, aѨAMMO LEFTSn&apTIME REMAINING Sg@`<u??, @[?apTIME REMAINING Sg-f 'aChoose your skill level!@`^?,@?,?,`?,?,?,aChoose your skill level!,ZEasy,ZModerate, ZDifficultZHell on wheels x3aZ@`Z SEasy Cyan% Moderate Green% Difficult Yellow% Hell on wheels x3 RED%  Gray%^?,@?,?,`?,?,?, aZ'-f aHIGH SCORES@`D?,@?,?,`?,aHIGH SCORES Q%Q,s??QQ%  red+ U?,@?,?Q?, ?,&appp[SQ&] SQH'Q zKZ7W=,K%*K,K*K RZ1<&"ZGame over, you are out! j& gNL-i6`h6`_6` -j` yra>=$-65-60 (s-60 I%pI6G f:I6n %'I9-6m'I%I6$:I6J%'I( cicp "1-60 uThis is not a server(l6G ,uServer is at maximum capacity(3iuYou are already in the server(a%a6G pAddCl|a6i 'a6G 6i i6G ' H|IMPMDKC2 Mine - From:RPGC6<5 d@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@  !"#$%&'()*+,-./01234L<,|l \L<<9T}ļ|l\L<, |l   !\!!!L"""<###,$jP")<2> IS^jt,|"(h4`& l^'18AMlW4a`kw ™ĮTL$@B<BBB<< <BBB<<6"6"2( 2 (0& 0 &,$ , $*" * "( ( & &$ $ " "                 <<<<    %<(%<(&&$ $"  "                         %1T%1T DD@ @< <8 86 64 4 0 0  . ., ,* *( (& &$ $" "  <: <:4 4. .(  ($  $            %1T%1T     < <       %1:%1:8  84 42 20 0,   ,* *( (& &T$T $"  "    %$ > $<"  < ": :   8 8  6 6    4 4 2 2  0  0  . .< < ,  ,* *   ( (   & & $ $" "@T%1T  @T%1T DD@ @< <8 86 64 4  0 0 .R .R , , * *( ( & &$ $" "  <: <:4 4.   .( ($  $            BB 0 0@ 1T@ 1T       < <          >d%1:>d%1:8  84 4 2 20 0,   ,* *( (T&T &$ $"  "  NN : : $ $ %&>&<$ < $:"  : " 8  86 6      4 42 2  0 0   . . , , *  *  ( ( < < &  & $ $" "@T%1T @T%1T DD@ @< <8 86 64 4  0 0 . .,C< , C<* *( ( & &$ $" "  <: <:4 4.   .( ($  $               BB 0 04 %1T4 %1T       < <           >d%1:>d  %1:88 4 42 20   0, ,* *T(T (& &$  $" "  NN: : %$ > $<"  < ": :   8 8  6 6    4 4 2 2  0  0 . . ,  , * *  ( (  & &  $ $" "@T%1T @T%1T DD @ @< <8 86 64 4  0 0 .R .R, , * *( ( & &$ $" "  <: <:4 4.   .( ($  $               BB 0 0 4 %1T4 %1T       <<           >d%1:>d%1:8 84  4 2 20 0,  ,*  *( (T&T &$ $" "    NN %"  > "< . <  .:  :  8 8 6 6   , ,4?$ 4 ?$2" 2 "    0 0  %? %?.| .| r  r,j , j*` *`Z ZRRL L( F  ( F@@&< & <884 4 $2 $200" "@T%1T @T%1T D D @ @< <8. 8.6 64 4 0 0   . ., ,* * (, (,&%?$ & %?$$" $"" "     <: <:4* 4*.  .(  ($  $     (  (      BB  0 04 %1T%;4 %1T%;||r rj  j` `Z ZR RLL<F  < F@@  < <88 4 4  2 200  >d%1:4>d%1:48|  8|4r 4r2j 2j 0` 0`,Z   ,Z*R *R(L (L&F &F@ T$@T$@"< "< 8 84;$ 4;$2"2"N0 N 0 : : <d<B<d<B 662 2 0 0,. , .* * ( (& & $%1 $%1" "    ,  , %;$ %;$ "  "  D<7D<7(|  (|&r  &r$j $j"`  "` Z ZR  RL LF   F@ @< < 8 84 42 2 NN: :$ $4d%<\%74d%<\%7||rrj  j``Z   ZRR D<L D<LFF@@ < <8%7$8%7$4"4"2  2 0 0<< <<        . .  \ \  | | x xt,%7$ t,%7$p" p"n n NHN H@T%1T%>4@T%1T%>4D|D|@r @ r<j < j8` 8 `6Z 6 Z4R 4 R0L 0 L.F . 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