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Friday, June  1, 2007



Work Resumed on Van Helsing Mod!


A lot of people have been asking about the Van Helsing Mod/Map Pack I had originally intended for release this past fall.   Well, to make a long story short...   Fall becomes an extremely busy time for me in my line of work (Computer Tech), not to mention the kids going back to school, etc.


At any rate, I now have free time to resume work and have been once again working furiously on the Mod and am still adding new stuff and it is getting better and better all the time!


I am intending the release to be late Summer or early Fall.



Work on RNTP for 225


Work is temporarily paused to complete my new Mod & Map series (see above). 







Please Check back for updates!


Thanx!  -  T. H.


Note that due to time constraints,  I've chosen to keep the web design simple for this site.