# AEus - Short Intro #################### 04.11.98 19:35 by Christoph "AEon" Loewe (C) 1998 AEon@astro.uni-bonn.de Code provided as is, use at your own risk. This is for you really desperate admins who would like to see some stats under Unreal. There are tons of small things to be done. But the main stuff is there and should work. E.g. Ranking :) Note: *Read all of this before you send me an email :)* # Concepts ########## 1. Change Unreal with Unreal Script to yield meaningful info that can be parsed. 2. "AEonsDMmod" contains this extra info that dumps all data into Unreal's *LOG* file. 3. Parse that log file with AEus: E.g. "AEus a.log" 4. Get lots and lots of stats in HTML format in the "stats/" directory. # Installation ############## Let me presume you have Unreal installed on your e:\ drive e.g. e:\Unreal\ 1. Unpack this archive into your e:\Unreal\ directory. E.g. e:\Unreal\AEus\ 2. Move the e:\Unreal\AEus\System\AEonsDMmod.u Unreal script file into your e:\Unreal\System\ drawer. 3. Make a duplicate of your e:\Unreal\System\Unreal.ini file and rename it to Server.ini (or something). This should be the .ini file you use to run internet games. 4. To use AEonsDMmod you will need to edit e:\Unreal\System\Server.ini These parts should be changed (remove the tabs/blanks before each line before you insert them in your .ini file) Set the default game to AEonsDMmod. Useful when running a dedicated server. (Under 2.09 alas this only worked properly under NT) [Engine.Engine] ... DefaultServerGame=AEonsDMmod.AEonsDM ... If the default game will not run AEonsDMmod or if you want to do some testing first add a new Games[] line. [4] was the last line with the UnrealCD, but you may have installed other game types. Just pick an empty slot and add "AEonsDMmod.AEonsDM" there. Also change MaxGames from 4 to 5. [UnrealI.UnrealServerMenu] Map=DMfith.unr GameType=AEonsDMmod.AEonsDM Games[0]=UnrealI.DeathMatchGame Games[1]=UnrealI.TeamGame Games[2]=UnrealI.CoopGame Games[3]=UnrealI.KingOfTheHill Games[4]=UnrealI.DarkMatch Games[5]=AEonsDMmod.AEonsDM ... MaxGames=5 Since AEonsDMmod is a new game type, you can specify all the usual defaults, e.g.: (this also comes in handy, configure the below as you will). [AEonsDMmod.AEonsDM] MaxPlayers=8 FragLimit=15 TimeLimit=10 bMultiPlayerBots=True bChangeLevels=True InitialBots=3 bNoMonsters=False bMuteSpectators=False bHumansOnly=True bAllowRemoteAdmin=True bCoopWeaponMode=True AutoAim=1.000000 MaxSpectators=2 AdminPassword=XXX # Starting Unreal with AEonDMmod - Generating your own log data that AEus can parse. ################################ Grab your Unreal Icon with the right mouse button and make a duplicate of it. We will use this icon to set all the command line parameters. Name the duplicate Unreal icon Unreal-log or something. Then add this line under properties: E:\Unreal\System\Unreal.exe Dmfith LOG=AEus.log READINI=Server.ini This will run Unreal and the map Dmfith. All *LOG* data that we will parse with AEus further down will then appear in e:\Unreal\System\AEus.log. The READINI will read the Server.ini file you prepared above. Note on leaving Unreal this Server.ini file will *not* be changed. Your Unreal.ini file will be! Note: Alas w95 (at least on my machine) will not automatically load AEonsDMmod, we need to select it via menus. (Under NT the "DefaultServerGame=AEonsDMmod.AEonsDM" will indeed use the module right away). Click on the Unreal-log icon. This will start Unreal. Hit Escape, the menus will appear, select MULTIPLAYER, then START GAME. In the line "Select Game", hit the left/right cursor key until it reads: "AEonsDM" (cursor left once get's me there right away, on my machine initially the "DeathMatchGame" is set). You might like to "Configure Game" on that page, personally I activate a few bots to make stats more interesting. Then "Start Game"... pick your player(ette)... A DM game should start on your machine, that also has parsable log info (due to AEonsDMmod). After some frags (test), these frags should appear in Unreal's log file. To test this. Hit Esc, Menu Audio/Video and set Unreal to the Window'ed mode ("Toggle FullScreen Mode"). In the window frame menu, "View" has the entry "Show Log". Turn this on. You should see lines like: ScriptLog: F/19980910174351/DMAriza/Bot-Bane/Bot-Bane/fell/Rifle7/None/0/0/-30/0/None/None/ ^^^^^^^^^^^^^ same always! The rest of the line will differ. It is these lines AEus can parse. Now quit Unreal. And copy the log file you generated e:\Unreal\System\AEus.log to e:\Unreal\AEus\AEus.log. You now have you own log file... # Using AEus - How to make stats out of your log files. ############ Note: AEus can only make stats for log files that where generated using "AEonsDMmod". - Copy the log file you want to parse into the e:\Unreal\AEus\ directory. (Makes things easier for now.) - For your conveniece I am providing a the log file I used to test AEus with, called "a.log". - For this test we will use the "a.log" log file: 1. Open a dosbox ("shell"), to get a DOS prompt. 2. Type cd e:\Unreal\AEus\ AEus a.log 3. AEus will now parse the log file. You can watch the progress, because I output logs of debugging info. 4. If all goes well you will have generated a file called: e:\Unreal\AEus\stats\AEusStats.html View this file in a WEB browser... bingo you got your stats. # Configuring AEus ################## You can set a few things in the AEus' configuration file: "us.cfg" Most notably: //set path /user2/cloewe/Mega/public_html/unreal/stats/ //set path f:\unreal\stats\ set path .\stats\ This tells AEus where to look for the "stats" drawer. This drawer contain two directories initially: "headers" and "players". The "headers" directory contains the HTML templates used to put the stats pages together. There are certain key word lines "