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Welcome to the Console Commands Page
Here you can look up on the various console commands Unreal understands.

... Switches, commands and do-dads ...

Please note: Taken from Epic's Unreal Technical Information site, Version from Planet Unreal was edited by AEon!

Page start: Saturday, August 1st 16:50 1998
Last updated on Wednesday, September 16th 19:59 1998

Console Commands
Console Commands
...Command Line Parameters
...C++ Console Commands,
...Unrealscript Console Commands,
...Maps: Single Player & DM List,
...Actor List,
...Console Configuration Commands
...Key Bindings
...Key Aliases

...Official Unreal FAQ - Unreal Win95 FAQ
...Unofficial Unreal FAQ

U Console commands

U c o m m a n d   l i n e   p a r a m e t e r s
-profileWhen C++ is compiled with DO_SLOW_GUARD=1, generates an UnrealScript function profile using the timings in the most recently played level only.
-nosoundDisables sound
-nodsoundDisables DirectSound support
-noddrawDisables DirectDraw support
-nohardDisables 3d hardware support
-logRuns with the log window initially visible
-firstrunRe-asks the "First Run" questions in Unreal
-nologwinDon't output to log window, useful for debugging when printing so many log messages that performance is slowed down by window updates.
-conflictsShow objects of different classes whose names conflict.
-nok6Disable AMD K6-3D support.
-nommxDisables MMX support.
-noreplaceDon't automatically replace textures, sounds, and music if they are not found
-makeRebuilds all .u files from their source .uc files.
-make -hRebuilds all .u files from their source .uc files and generate a C++ header for each package
-editorRuns Unreal for editing.
-serverRuns as a dedicated server
-strictTreat all script warnings as critical errors; useful for tracking down the call stack when debugging scripts
-nobindDon't treat UnrealScript/C++ binding errors as critical, for rebuilding scripts and avoiding the chicken-and-egg binding problem
-showdepCauses script compiler to log dependency information when recompiling scripts
-nogcDisables garbage collection
-alladminEnable all players administrative access to the server.

Uses the specified log file instead of Unreal.log. Useful when running multiple copies on the same machine.
Sets the .ini file to use for configuration, normally Unreal.ini
Sets the .ini file for reading only (not for writing); overrides the INI= option.
Sets the UDP port number for the Internet server
Sets the "home" ip address (in numerical format) for Unreal of a machine with multiple network cards

U c + +   c o n s o l e   c o m m a n d s
(Only works on the local machine)

BRIGHTNESSCycle through 10 screen brightness values
CHATBrings up a prompt to type chat text
CANCELCancels an "open" command in progress that is trying to connect to a network server
CDTRACK numPlay the specified CD track
CONSOLE FULLMake the console fullscreen
CONSOLE HIDEHide the console
CONSOLE SHOWShow the console
DEBUG CRASHTest crashing the game by appError
DEBUG EATMEMTest allocating memory until it fills up
DEBUG GPFTest a general protection fault
DEBUG RECURSETest crash by infinite recursion
DUMPCACHEDisplay the contents of the memory cache GCache
DUMPINTRINSICSDisplay a list of unused intrinsic function ids
During game play, edits the properties of the nearest actor belonging to that class. Cool for debugging
ENDFULLSCREENGo back to playing in a window
EXEC filenameExecute the console commands in the filename, default is in the System directory
EXITExit the program
FLUSHFlush all caches. Regenerates all lighting, 3d hardware textures, etc
HIDEACTORSHide actors during game play
JUMPTO x y zIn UnrealEd, move the viewport to a certain X,Y,Z location, useful in conjunction with tester reports generated with the REPORT command
LOADGAME numLoad a game in position 0-9
MARKMark all objects that are in memory (for garbage collection debugging in conjunction with MARKCHECK)
MARKCHECKDisplay a list of all unmarked objects that are in memory (for garbage collection debugging in conjunction with MARK)
MEMList memory usage; only works when Unreal is compiled with the memory-tracking option (it's usually not)
MEMSTATShow Windows overall memory statistics
MUSICORDER numChange to a certain track in the song (0=ambient, 1=action, 2=suspense)
OBJ CLASSESPrints a list of all loaded classes
OBJ GARBAGECollect and purge garbage ("garbage" means objects which are no longer in use)
OBJ HASHShow object hashing statistics
OBJ LIST CLASS=objectclassList all objects belonging to the class (if the class isn't specified, lists ALL objects). Gives a summary of memory usage. This is very useful during game play for figuring out how much memory is being used. In UnrealEd, this statistic isn't useful because a huge amount of extra stuff is loaded which might not be used by your map.
OBJ REFS CLASS=objectclass
Show a list of objects which reference the object you specify. When trimming memory usage, this is useful for figuring out why some object is being loaded
OPEN urlOpens a local map (i.e. "unreal.unr") or an Internet server (i.e. "" or "unreal.epicgames.com")
PREFERENCESDisplays the preferences in a window
REPORTCopies a report of the current gameplay situation to the clipboard. You can then paste the resulting text into an email program, Notepad, etc. Extremely useful for beta testers, because it dumps the player's X,Y,Z location, the difficulty level, etc
RMODESet the rendering mode. 0-9
SAVEGAME numSave the game in a specified position, 0-9
SHOTTake a screenshot and save it in the System directory with a consecutive name like Shot0001.bmp
SHOWACTORSShows actors during gameplay
SOCKETSIn network play, shows a list of network sockets (UNetConnection's) in use
STAT ACTORShows various statistics
STAT FPSThe number is in milliseconds. 1000 divided by this number is your FPS
TOGGLEFULLSCREENToggles fullscreen mode on and off
TYPETypes text on the console
URL urlnameIn network play, parses a URL and displays its components
VIEWUPSizes the view up.
VIEWDOWNSizes the view down.

U u n r e a l s c r i p t   c o n s o l e   c o m m a n d s
(Can be used by remote administrators)

ADDBOTS <number>Adds more bots to the game
ALLAMMOGives you all the ammo for your current weapons
GODMakes you invincible
INVISIBLE 1 makes you invisible, 0 makes you visible.
FLYAllows you to fly
GHOSTAllows you to walk through walls
WALKReturns from GHOST or FLY modes
BEHINDVIEW 1 puts you into Tomb Raider style 3rd person, 0 is back to normal.
KILLALL <class name>Kills all actors of a certain class, for example "KILLALL UNREALI.BRUTE"
KILLPAWNSKills all monsters
PLAYERSONLYPauses all non-player actors in the game. Cool for debugging scripts, taking screenshots
SAY <message string>Broadcast a message to other players in the game
SLOMO <number>Sets the game speed, 1.0 is normal
SUMMON <class name>Spawns an actor of the specified class (for example, SUMMON UNREALI.BRUTE) in front of the player
SWITCHCOOPLEVEL <new level URL>Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level with coop-style weapon carrying between levels
SWITCHLEVEL <new level URL>Causes the server (or local machine, in a single-player game) to switch to a new level.

U m a p   l i s t
Use these with OPEN or SWITCHLEVEL:

Single Player Maps - in playing order
NumberMap NameMap TitleMain Author
1)Vortex2Vortex RikersCliff
2)NyLeveNyleve's FallsPancho
3)DigSkaarj Mine of RrajigarCliff
4)DugDepths of RrajigarCliff
5)PassageSacred PassagePancho
6)ChizraChizra--Nali Water God TempleMyscha
8)DarkDark ArenaJeremy War
9)HarobedHarobed VillagePancho
10)TerraLiftTerraniux UndergroundInoxx
12)NoorkNoork's ElbowPancho
13)RuinsTemple of VandoraShane Caudle
15)IsvKran4ISV-Kran Deck 4Myscha
16)IsvKran32ISV-Kran Decks 3 and 2Myscha
17)IsvDeck1ISV-Kran Deck 1Myscha
18)SpireVillageSpire VillagePancho
19)TheSunspireThe SunspirePancho
20)SkyCavesGateway to Na PaliJeremy War
21)SkyTownNa Pali HavenJeremy War
22)SkyBaseOutpost 3J (Mountain Fortress)Jeremy War
23)VeloraEndVelora Pass (Sleeping Giant)Jeremy War
24)BluffBluff EversmokingMyscha
25)DasaPassDasa Mountain PassMyscha
26)DasaCellarsCellars at Dasa PassMyscha
27)NaliBoatNali Castle CanyonShane Caudle
28)NaliCNali CastleShane Caudle
29)NaliLordNali Castle--WarlordShane Caudle
30)DCraterD CraterPancho
31)ExtremeBegMothership BasementInoxx
32)ExtremeLabMothership LabInoxx
33)ExtremeCoreMothership CoreInoxx
34)ExtremeGenSkaarj GeneratorInoxx
36)ExtremeDarkThe DarkeningInoxx
37)ExtremeEndThe Source AntechamberInoxx
38)QueenEndThe SourceJeremy War, Inoxx, Cliff
39)EndGameEnd GameInoxx

Death Match Maps
NumberMap NameMap TitleMain Author
9.DmRadikusShane Caudle

U a c t o r   l i s t
Use these things with the SUMMON command. Rather than SUMMONING ammo, you can also use the ALLAMMO command. Note that some of these actors such as "ScriptedPawn" are abstract which means they can't be spawned - they are just there so that more specific actors can be created below them (such as a Skaarj), but allows a place for all the code which is common to all ScriptedPawns (such as the ability to navigate).

  • Pawn
    • ScriptedPawn
      • Warlord
      • Titan
        • StoneTitan
      • Squid
      • Slith
      • Skaarj
        • SkaarjWarrior
          • SkaarjScout
          • SkaarjLord
          • SkaarjBerserker
          • SkaarjAssassin
          • IceSkaarj
        • SkaarjTrooper
          • SkaarjSniper
          • SkaarjOfficer
          • SkaarjInfantry
          • SkaarjGunner
      • Queen
      • Pupae
      • Nali
        • NaliPriest
      • Mercenary
        • MercenaryElite
      • Manta
        • GiantManta
        • CaveManta
      • Krall
        • LesserKrall
        • KrallElite
      • Gasbag
        • GiantGasBag
      • Fly
      • DevilFish
      • Cow
        • BabyCow
      • Tentacle
      • Brute
        • LesserBrute
        • Behemoth
      • Bots
        • SkaarjPlayerBot
        • HumanBot
          • MaleBot
            • MaleTwoBot
            • MaleThreeBot
            • MaleOneBot
          • FemaleBot
            • FemaleTwoBot
            • FemaleOneBot
    • FlockPawn
      • NaliRabbit
      • HorseFly
      • Bloblet
      • BiterFish
      • Bird1
    • FlockMasterPawn
      • ParentBlob
      • HorseFlySwarm
        • DeadBodySwarm
      • BiterFishSchool
  • Inventory
    • Weapon
      • Rifle
      • RazorJack
      • QuadShot
      • GESBioRifle
      • Minigun
      • FlakCannon
      • Eightball
      • DispersionPistol
      • Stinger
      • Automag
      • ASMD
  • Ammo
    • Sludge
    • Shells
    • ShellBox
      • Clip
    • RocketCan
    • RifleAmmo
      • RifleRound
    • RazorAmmo
    • NullAmmo
    • FlakBox
      • FlakShellAmmo
    • StingerAmmo
    • ASMDAmmo
      • DefaultAmmo

U c o n s o l e   c o n f i g u r a t i o n   c o m m a n d s

GET <classname> <variablename>

Gets a configurable class parameter. <classname> may be a partial classname, such as "playerpawn", or a qualified classname such as "engine.playerpawn". The class must be loaded in memory, otherwise GET returns an empty string. <variablename> must be the name of a variable that is designated as configurable (either in UnrealScript using the "config" keyword or in C++ using CPF_Config). This returns the value of the configured variable, converted to a string. The value returned by GET reflects the class's default value (for scripted classes, this is the default value that was set for the class using its property sheet). At any time, zero or more instances of objects belonging to <classname> may be in memory, and may have modified values of <variablename>, and they don't affect the value returned by "GET".

SET <classname> <variablename> <value>

Sets the default value of a class's variable. If the class is designated as configurable (using the "config"keyword in UnrealScript or CLASS_Config in C++), and so is the variable, this function updates the Unreal.ini file to reflect the new default value. If any instances of objects belonging to <classname> are in memory, all of those objects are updated. When an object's config variables are updated, they are notified as follows:

  1. The object's PreEditChange() function is called, basically saying "Get ready to be modified!"
  2. The object's configurable variables are updated with the newly configured values.
  3. The object's PostEditChange() function is called, saying "You've been modified, so validate and update yourself".
This procedure enables objects to validate their configurable properties and update themselves. For example, the audio subsystem's PostEditChange() function clamps the sound volume to a safe range of 0.0 - 1.0 (because the SET command enables users to set it to ridiculous values) and then updates the actual volume of the sound effects that are playing.


U u n r e a l   k e y   b i n d i n g s

In the Unreal key bindings (under Advanced Options / Advanced / Raw Key Bindings), you can associate console commands and other special input commands with key presses and releases. In the text box next to a key name, you can type in one or more console commands, separated by the "|" character. For example, to bind the "S" key to the "Jump" alias, type this:


That causes the "Jump" alias to be executed when th user presses the "S" key. For another example, if you want to bind a chat message to a key, use this:

    Say "Come get some!"

In addition, you can bind multiple actions to a keypress like this, to make the "S" key both jump and say a message.

    Jump | Say "Come get some!"

You can also bind an action to the release of a key by using the OnRelease keyword. For example, you can make the "S" key fire when it's released:

    OnRelease Fire

Or you can make the key jump when pressed, and fire when released:

    Jump | OnRelease Fire

Keys can be bound to any of the following kinds of things:
U Any console command in the above lists.
U Any key alias (explained below).
U Any special input command.

"Special input command" refers to console commands which only make sense in conjunction with the press or release of a key, or the movement of the mouse or joystick along an axis. The special input commands are:
U BUTTON <UnrealScript boolean variable name>,
for example "BUTTON bFire": Maps a button to an UnrealScript variable stored in the Pawn class or any subclass. This tells the input system to automatically set the variable to True when the key is held down, and False when it's not pressed. For example, the Pawn script looks at bFire to tell whether the fire button is being held. The setting of bFire is not some hardcoded behavior of the engine, rather it is propagated into UnrealScript code by the input system, as a result of binding a key to "BUTTON bFire".
U TOGGLE <UnrealScript boolean variable name>,
for example "TOGGLE bLook": Like the BUTTON command, but simply tells the input system to toggle the boolean variable's value when the key is pressed.
U AXIS <UnrealScript floating point variable name> <SPEED=some number>,
for example "Axis aStrafe Speed=-300.0". Maps an analog input axis movement to an UnrealScript variable, scaling it by some factor. The current axis keys listed in the Advanced Options menu are: MouseX, MouseY, MouseW (Intellimouse wheel), JoyX, JoyY, JoyZ, JoyR (joystick rudder), JoyU, JoyV (joystick alternate axis for example the Panther XL trackball). Supported PlayerPawn axes are aBaseX, aBaseY (base movements which are translated to rotating, strafing, looking, and forward movement based on context), aMouseX, aMouseY, aForward, aTurn, aStrafe, aUp (not used), aLookUp, aExtra0-aExtra4 (not used). To see how the game code processes movement, see the PlayerPawn class's PlayerInput and PlayerTick functions.

In addition to the Advance Options menu, you can also bind keys from the console using the following command:

	SET INPUT <keyname> <binding>

For example:

	SET INPUT Enter Fire


U u n r e a l   k e y   a l i a s e s

Key aliases are listed in Advanced Options / Advanced / Input Aliases. Aliases provide a convenient way to map one word (for example, "Jump") to a complex series of console commands that carry out a particular action. For example, the "Fire" alias is defined as: "Fire | Button bFire". This has the effect of calling the UnrealScript "PlayerPawn.Fire" function (aliases are not recursive), and then causing the input button bJump to be set to True as long as the key is held.

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