Ĉon's UnrealEd Tools Page Logo

Welcome to the UnrealEd Tools Page
This page will tell you about the very basic things you should be aware of when editing maps with UnrealEd. Start off by reading the Navigation table, that tells you how to move in 2D and 3D views. Then there's a section on the Moving of "Objects", be they actors or brushes, an extensive section with icon shots on UnrealEd's Toolbar and finally a shortcut Keys section...

... and then... Up, up and away ! ;)

Page start: Monday, August 10th 20:28 1998
Last updated on Wednesday, September 16th 21:28 1998

UnrealEd Tools
UnrealEd... Intro, Tools ...
11st Room
2Light, Water & Sky

...Navigation in 2D & 3D Views
...Movement of "Objects"
...UnrealEd's Toolbar
...Shortcut Keys

Moving around in UnrealEd is a *lot* different from other editors I have been using these past years. Duke Nukem 3D's Build, editors for Quake II World Craft and Qoole. All movement in the 2D and 3D views of UnrealEd takes place with the help of mouse and mouse buttons.
3D View:
Mouse ButtonMovementResult
left left/right
turn left/right
move forward/back
turn left/right
* look up/down
both left/right
strafe left/right
strafe up/down
2D Views:
Mouse ButtonMovementResult
left = rightleft/right
strafe left/right
strafe "up/down"
both (left/right)
* zoom out/in
I you find out how to invert the above marked * movements then please send me an email.

Moving and Placing of Actors & Brushes
Another thing that I found really weird is that there is *no* movement mode tool icon in UnrealEd. And all the testing would not let me find it.
    The movement of objects is possible of course! and is done using the mouse, mouse buttons, *and* socalled qualifier keys: Shift, and Control. The Alt key is used in some special cases:
3D View:
QualifierButtonMovementResult: Move
Shift left left/rightgrid east/west
rightleft/rightgrid north/south
both up/down grid up/down
Controlleft left/rightobject east/west
rightleft/rightobject north/south
both up/down object up/down
2D Views:
Shift left left/right
move object/grid "left/right", "up/down"
rightleft/rightobject/grid rotate
both up/down zoom in/out
Controlleft left/right
move object "left/right", "up/down"
rightleft/rightobject rotate
both up/down zoom in/out
In other words... heeelp ;)... try testing them though :)

UnrealEd's Toolbar
Here is a complete list of tool icons used by UnrealEd... Click on the below icons to get some more info on what these tools are for. I have grouped simular tool funtions together to make it easier to understand the basic editing possibilities UnrealEd provides.

ToolUse ToolUse ToolUse
Move Camera Zoom Camera Add Brush To World
Rotate Brush Sheer Brush Subtract Brush from World
Scale Brush Stretch Brush Brush Intersection
SnapScale Brush Select All Polys Brush DeIntersection
Select All Actors Select Actors Inside Brush Add Special Brush
Select None Invert Actor Selection State Add Movable Brushes
Replace Selected Brushes Replace Selected Non-brush Actors Build A Cube
Undo Last Operation Redo Operation Build A Sphere
Pan Textures Rotate Textures Build A Cylinder
Drawing Region: Selected Actors Drawing Region: Off Build A Cone
Hide Selected Actors Drawing Region: BrushZ (Depth) Build A Stair
  Toggle Vertex Snap Build A Spiral Stair
(Get Help) Camera Speed Build A Curved Stair
Toggle Grid Mode Toggle Rotation Grid Build A Sheet

, , Camera: Normal Camera View, try holding left, right and both mouse buttons in the 2D and 3D views to get a feel for the navigation in maps. You can set the speed with the keys 1, 2, 3. Zoom Camera will speed up movement in the views. Finally there is also an icon to set the camera Speed.

, World Brushes: Any primitive or more complex object you have put together has to be added to or subtracted from the World. Since Unreal uses a Constructive Solid Geometry, you will be subtracting rooms most of the time. If you then want to include a box in this room you will need to add it.

, Brush De/Intersection: You can Intersect brushes, the part of the "red" active brush that overlaps with the world will be removed, and DeIntersect keep everything of the "red" brush except the overlapping part.

Special Brush: Somehow needs to be used for building special 2D brushes, like fires etc. Add Special Brush

, , , , Brush Manipulation: Select a brush you want to manipulate and ... Rotate: Change orientation angle, Sheer: 2 opposing sides are moved relatively, thereby keeping the distance between them constant, Scale: Brush as a *whole* is scaled, Stretch: Change hight, or width, or depth, SnapScale: Scale whole brush, but do it in steps that the grid defines.

, , , , , , Primitives: The building blocks of everthing in Unreal. Note: you can manipulate all sorts of aspects of each primitive, by right clicking the appropriate tool icon. Thusfar provided primitives: Cube: Solid/Hollow (S/H), (h)eight, (w)idth, (b)readth, Wall Thickness, Group Name (GN). Sphere: S/H, Inner Radius (IR), Radial Sides, Vertical Stripes, GN. Cylinder: S/H, Align to Side (AtS), Outer Radius (OR), IR, Sides, GN. Cone: S/H/Capped, AtS, h, Cap Height, OR, IR, Sides, GN. Stair: Add to First Step, Step Length, Step Height, Step Width, N° of Steps, GN. Spiral Stair: Anti-/Clockwise, Fill Ex/Interior, Surface: Steps/Sloped, Ceiling: Steps/Sloped, AtS, Stair IR & OR, Wall OR, Step Height, Step Thickness, Steps per full Circle, Total Steps, Calc -> Total Height, GN. Curved Stair: Anti-/Clockwise, AtS, Step Height, IR, Step Width, Angle of Curve, N° of Steps, GN. Sheet: Orientation: Floor-Ceiling/X-Wall/Y-Wall, Size: u,v, GN.

, , , , Selection: UnrealEd provides serval mechanisms to select map parts or actors: All Polys: Selects all "walls" or "textures". All Actors: Selects all "rooms". None: Deselect all. Actors Inside Brush: Select all items, weapons, players, monsters etc. in the selected brush(es). Invert Actor Selection State: Selects all the other actors :).

, Replace: This aught to be pretty powerful to be able to globally replace things. This comes in 2 flavours: Selected Brushes, and Selected Non-brush Actors: Read lights, items, monsters and the like. The latter should really be useful, e.g. give all light sources more intensity.

Movers: Any thing that moves in Unreal map is called a Mover. E.g. doors, a drawbridge, lifts, a collapsable plank. First select one of the primitives and then the Movable Brushes tool. This changes the brushes color from red to purple.

, Un/Re-Undo: Made a building mistake?... Take it back with Undo or take the Undo back with Redo 8-).

, Textures: Texture alignment is *very* important!... Misaligned textures totally mess up the ambience of a map, so be sure to fix them with Pan: "Horizontally" offset the textures, or Rotate: Change the angle of the textures. As a tip try to keep as many texture "reset" and only change those very few textures that need fixing. I wonder how textures are scaled ?

, , , Drawing Region: Maps can become very complex and make it really hard to see what you are doing... by defining different drawing regions you can selctively blend out stuff that's in the way. Selected Actors: Only draws selected stuff. Off: Draws everything again. BrushZ (Depth): Hoem ? Hide Selected Actors: Directly hides anything You selected.

Vertex Snap: Well... I am guessing here... when manipulating vertexes ("corners") individually, this tool should force the moved vertex points to grid points. Snap... hmmm... but how the heck does one manipulate vertex points... ?

, Grid Snapping: This is *one* big help for level builders. Pros don't just randomly position brushes all around. They use the grid, to ensure that all brushes are properly placed. UnrealEd provides a grid for normal othogonal Grid and Rotation Grids. The latter helps us to rotate brushed in specific angle steps.

Help: Well this should provide extensive help on anything that has to do with the editor. Alas it does *not* work. Only the upcoming Commercial version of this editor will provide it.

Shortcut Keys
Buttons are fine and dandy for beginners ;)... but after editing maps for hours on end you will want to have some no nonsense key shortcuts. Below you will find an complete list of shortcuts:

Special Mouse Clicking Combinations

  Key         Use   Key         Use
  A + right mouse click  Add actor there.   L + right mouse click  Add light there.

  Key         Use
DeleteDelete selected actors.
1, 2, 3Slow, medium, and fast movement speed.
F4Actor properties.
F5Surface properties.
F6Level properties.
F7Compile changed scripts.
BToggle brush visibility in the current viewport.
HToggle actor visibility in the current viewport.
PToggle player controls or realtime update of the viewport.
Ctrl - AAdd brush to world.
- BLoad brush.
- CCopy.
- DDeintersect brush with world.
- ESave as.
- LSave level.
- OLoad level.
- PPlay level.
- NIntersect brush with world.
- RRedo.
- SSubtract brush from world.
- VPaste.
- WDuplicate.
- XCut.
- ZUndo.
  Key         Use
Shift - ASelect all actors.
- BSelect all surfaces belonging to the selected surfaces' brushes.
- CSelect adjacent coplanar polygons.
- DDuplicate selected actors.
- FSelect adjacent floors.
- GSelect surfaces belonging to the selected surfaces' groups.
- ISelect surfaces with items matching the selected surfaces' items.
- JSelect all adjacent surfaces(flood-fill).
- LLook ahead in the current viewport (no pitch or roll).
- MMemorize selected surfaces.
- NSelect none.
- OSelect surfaces from intersection of selected surfaces and memory.
- PSelect all surfaces.
- QReverse the set of selected surfaces.
- RRecall memorized surface selection.
- TSelect all surfaces which use the current texture.
- USelect union of selected surfaces and memorized surfaces.
- WSelect adjacent wall surfaces (flood-fill).
- XSelect exclusive or of selected surfaces and memorized surfaces.
- YSelect adjacent slanted surfaces.
- ZSelect none.

Original shotcut key list from unreal.epicgames.com... Edited by Ĉon.