Æon's UnrealEd Tutorial 1 Page Logo

Welcome to the Tutorial N° 1 - 1st Room
This is the first level editing tutorial for UnrealEd. We will build a simple room with player start, and a light, we will also learn how to apply textures. There are many other tips that will help you to get started.

Note that Semmel developed this tutorial. I only translated it into english, did my own screen shots, added some comments, and redesigned the original pages ;).

... Now rive up UnrealEd ...

Page start: Friday, August 14th 19:27 1998
Last updated on Wednesday, September 16th 21:51 1998

UnrealEd Tutorial N° 1
UnrealEd... Intro, Tools ...
11st Room
2Light, Water & Sky

Tutorial N° 2
...Getting Started ... Moving about in views
...Building our 1st Room ... Step by step guide
...Final Remarks ... Always save your work!

Getting Started
First off we will need to learn how to navigate in UnrealEd's 2D and 3D views (4 big boxes in the center of UnrealEd). As pointed out on the tools page under Navigation the mouse and the mouse buttons are used to "fly" around in the views. If you have not done so yet, please read the afore mentioned table or print it out.

As with any tutorials it is recommended to have UnrealEd running so that you can try out parts of the tutorial as they enfold. At this point, play around with the navigation in the 2D & 3D views.

Building our 1st Room
We will now build our 1st simple room, in which we will be able to run around later on. For this simple room we will use a cube, notice the Toolbar on the left hand side of the editor? Left-Mouse-Click on the socalled "Build a Cube" icon (on the left). A dark red wire frame cube will appear in all 4 views. You can select the cube by clicking on it in any view, it will turn red. Any manipulations you might care to do will always happen to the selected "object" you chose.

We want to make the cube a bit bigger, for this we Right-Mouse-Click on the "Build A Cube" icon above. You should see something like the shot on the right:

Highlight "Cube Properties" and set the desired size. For this test we choose the size 256 x 256 x 256. Notice how all 4 views are updated if you happen to change the Height, Width, or Breadth. Now click on "Build" and then on "Close". You just sucessfully changed the cube's size :).

, Of course this is a rather complicated and slow way to change the cube's size. You might like to try the "Scale Brush" icon (to size up the whole cube) or the "Stretch Brush" icon (to change the cube in only one direction). To do this: Hold down the qualifier key CTRL *and* the left mouse button and move the mouse to change the cube's size. (Try experimenting with these a bit and with the different views).

After this little excursion, we need to chose a Texture for our room For this notice the "bar" on the top right hand side of UnrealEd, where you can select these textures:
 1 Choose one of the Texture Package(s) that UnrealEd has thusfar cashed in Memory. Use the Load button at the bottom of the texture frame to add to this list of textures.
2From the current texture pack, pick a specific subgroup of textures e.g. Arch, Base, Ceiling, Deco, Door, Floor, Panel, Pillar, Switch, Trim, Wall, Window... This is a *huge* step forward... just load the texture set you want to use, and then simply pick e.g. from the floor textures available... :)))
3Pick one of the 3 texture sizes.

After having picked a nice wall texture, you will have to click on the "Substract Brush from World" icon (on the right) to "place" the cube in the Unreal "world". The red wire grid cube should now be a textured square room (see the 3D view). Welcome to your first simple Unreal room :))

We still have to tell UnrealEd where to place players. We need a socalled PlayerStart. You will find this entity under "Classes".

In the menu pick Classes, the textures will disappear and a list of classes will appear like: Brush, Damage Type, Decoration, Effects, HUD, Info, Inventory, Keypoint, Light, Menu, Navigation Point, Pawn, Projectile, Score Board, Triggers... To set the player spawn point look under "NavigationPoint / Playerstart".

Next go to the 3D view and move where you want to "start". Place the mousepointer somewhere near the floor and then press the right mouse button. You should see something like the shot on the right.

Pick the menu point "Add PlayerStart here" and you should see a joystick icon in all 4 views...
So now we can play in our test room.

From time to time it's a good idea to recalculate the levels geometrie. You need to do this since UnrealEd is *beta* and has trouble updating the 4 views from time to time. To fix these display update problems hit the F8-key and click on "Rebuild Geometry" from time to time. This will open the window on the right.

Finally we want to add a light source in the middle of the map. For this we move the mouse pointer back to the floor in the 3D view and press the right mouse button. The same menu we used to "Add PlayerStart here" will reappear, only this time select "Add Light here" and a torch icon will appear in all views. Since the torch will probably not be where you want it, you will need to to move it to the desired place in the 2D views. Zoom close to the torch, to let you see it more clearly (to do this, hold *both* mouse buttons and move the mouse in the 2D views). To move the torch around, hold the qualifiert key shift, press the left mouse button (over the torch, that will turn green) and move the mouse. Notice how the torch moves in the other views.

You should see the following on your screen:

Please take a moment and make sure you understand the 3 2D views, there is a top (xy), a front (xz), and a left (yz) view. The plane is spanned by x, y and height is z. It a good idea to play around with these views to get a feel for 3D editing. A bit of "Learning by Doing"...

Hit F8-key again to make UnrealEd calculate the lighting into the map. You should then see something like the screenshot above (3D view).

That's sorta it :)... you can play the level right away with Control + P. This will startup Unreal and autoload your map.

If you want to check on the map I put together here is a copy t1.zip (1.97 KB)... unpack this map into your \Unreal\Maps\ directory, run Unreal, open the console, and type: open t1 to play the map.

Final Remarks
Let me stress it again... UnrealEd is a really nice program but it's a Beta... this means that it't still *buggy* and will frequently crash on you. So:

Save your work in regular intervalls and under differently numbered names.

This ensures that you will only lose the work of 10 minutes or so, instead of an hours or more. The history of saves will let you fall back on an older version, if you happen to have messed up your current version somehow.

Next Tutorial
Hot for more ? ;)... Check out Tutorial N° 2... It's on manipulating lights, how to place water in maps, and how to apply an animated sky texture.